Example sentences of "[was/were] invited [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 In 1972 members of the international armed forces based in Western Europe were invited to join in and Brigadier Graham Hollands , who is the very able Chairman of the Championships , is shortly hoping to include a Russian team !
2 No such partnership arrangements extended to the second category of districts , though they were invited to draw up programmes ; in the case of the third category , local authorities simply made use of the powers of the Act .
3 Having asked about Shropshire 's youth and their existence within the diocese , my friend Clare and I were invited to take on the role of Shropshire 's Youth Representatives .
4 So all were invited to go along .
5 On arrival , conference participants were invited to sign up for a workshop of their choice .
6 The Whitby Gazette announced that there would be a high tide on Ascension Eve that year , and readers were invited to write in with their views on the subject .
7 It had already been decided that Hayling was to remain as chief executive , and everyone who had been doing a specific job for the company was invited to carry on .
8 The policeman thanked her and stood deferentially until he was invited to sit down .
9 While the rest of the group stood around the microphone Eva was invited to move over to the corner .
10 Her mother of course was aware that fifteen does not relish the solitude that fifty does , and came back from the village one day when Peony had been particularly silent and lumpish , with the news that Mrs Price who kept an antique shop had her grandchildren staying with her , and she was invited to go round and play tennis with them and have tea .
11 and he also applied to be a servant at the headquarters of Jehovah 's Witnesses in New York in battle , and then nineteen thirty five he was invited to go along
12 And Simon was invited to go down to London for a chat .
13 In the autumn of 1918 , following the resignation of Mr. A. H. Pott , the Manager and Engineer of the Metropolitan Electric Tramways and the London United Tramways , C. J. Spencer , the Bradford Manager , currently absent on war service with the Admiralty , was invited to take over the management of the three London tramway companies .
14 The audience was invited to turn up early and picnic in the grounds , serenaded by a wind quartet , before the real attraction for the evening .
15 Such as Agnes and Flora , two " unknowns " who sent her a postcard because they had seen her on " telly " and were sorry to hear she was poorly ; eighty-year-old Phoebe who kept them awake one night when she was in a distressed state ; the flower lover who treated the ward as a potting shed taking clippings from the various plants ; the " blether " of women she was invited to join round one of the beds when she was fit enough to take a short walk .
16 I was invited to join in but always found excuses not to do so , saying that I had early afternoon lessons .
17 He was invited to get up and conduct the band half way through the evening which , according to eyewitnesses , he did with gusto .
18 For the unhappy family the process began with Mr Dunn the debtor receiving a summons form ( or writ , as it once was ) , and a reply form on which he was invited to write down whether he admitted owing Mr Rich the creditor the sum he claimed was still outstanding .
19 When he was invited to switch on the Christmas lights in Settle , he needed a police escort because of a bomb threat believed to be from workers at a local quarry .
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