Example sentences of "[was/were] marked by a " in BNC.

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1 The post-war years were marked by a dislike , even a hatred and fear , of novelty — as was amply demonstrated in the reception of the Picasso — Matisse exhibition in 1945 .
2 The 1960s were marked by a strong interest in the relationship between primary and secondary education , and in possible changes in the age of transfer from one to the other .
3 The 1970s were marked by a steady but subtle change .
4 The days leading up to the fifth anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power station , in the Soviet Ukraine , were marked by a series of reports on the consequences of the accident ( which occurred on April 26 , 1986 — see pp. 34460-62 ) .
5 Relations with the Soviet Union were marked by a number of economic and trade agreements including a Soviet grant-in-aid in July 1990 to the value of 42,000,000 roubles ( about US$74,000,000 ) to balance accounts with Afghanistan .
6 Although the national turnout was officially given as 60 per cent , the elections were marked by a high rate of regional abstention .
7 Both rounds were marked by a very low turnout , with only 20.87 per cent of the electorate participating in the second round .
8 Walking across the Bonaparte Bridge , I looked in vain for what was marked by a giant cross on the tourist map .
9 Their innings , though , was marked by a wonderful display from Gooch , his thirty-sixth attempt finally produced a Test century , and it was very much worth waiting for .
10 The feat was marked by a drain bursting under the pitch soon after play began and flooding one of the run-ups ; inevitably , the umpire concerned was ‘ Dickie ’ Bird , famed for his wariness about the weather , and now having to contend with water coming from below as well as above .
11 King Edward 's short reign was marked by a reaction against the pro-monastic policies of his father , King Edgar .
12 The Nicaraguan part of the tour was marked by a well-publicised clash between the Pope and Sandinistas , which was prompted by a briefing-paper presented to the Pope by church right-wingers .
13 ‘ Troubled into utterance ’ by the tensions and paradoxes of his native Ulster , John Hewitt 's poetry was marked by a sustained , unfaltering engagement with myth , the meaning of place and language , history and politics .
14 They were to follow the track that skirted the south of the swampy depression and were then to take a path to the right which was marked by a great stone shaped like the head of a horse .
15 There were many paths leading west but they must take the one which was marked by a riven oak .
16 SOUTH AFRICA 'S return to Test cricket after 22 years was marked by a match as tense and as fluctuating as any they could have played in their former life .
17 The world of the first century was marked by a deep awareness of doubt , but usually doubt was traced back only to cultural irresolution or philosophical scepticism .
18 Whenever he played , the last end was marked by a rueful smile , either at his own or , more often , his opponent 's bad luck .
19 City 's attackers The signs were already there for City that they might be in for a spanking when their formidable attack of Andy Cole , Leroy Rosenior and playmaker Jacki Dziekanowski were held in a tight grip in a first-half an opening 45 minutes that was marked by a spectacular 30-yard goal from Justin Channing , in the final week of his loan spell from QPR .
20 The daily life of the couple at the height of their power was marked by a contrast between their frankly petit bourgeois devotion to each other and the grandiose back-drops to their carefully analysed and tasted diets or their regular watching of junk videos and films .
21 When I made no response he turned and gazed at the far line of coral reef that was marked by a fret of white breaking water .
22 He had had an unhappy home life as a child and his youth was marked by a certain amount of delinquency .
23 The tenth anniversary of the armistice , in 1928 , was marked by a cascade of anti-war literature , which set the seal on a broad pacifistic consensus that was to dominate the centre ground of British politics well into the 1930s .
24 ‘ The period towards the end of the Century was marked by a centralisation of power .
25 The radiation of marine faunas following the massive end-Palaeozoic extinctions was a long-continuing , progressive phenomenon , but was marked by a pulse of acceleration and replacement in the mid-Cretaceous , with diversity increase continuing into the Cainozoic ( Fig. 18.6 ) .
26 While the first year of occupation was marked by a firm emphasis on the need for liberal democratic reforms to avoid a revival of militarism , by 1947 it seems that the need for an anti-military government was not taken to imply an anti-conservative one .
27 That fateful visit was marked by a distinct absence of seasonal goodwill or tidings of joy for the future .
28 A rapprochement in Russo Japanese relations was marked by a series of agreements between the two countries in 1907–16 covering the apportionment of rights and interests in the East Asian area .
29 The Anniversary was marked by a luncheon given in the Hallam Hall on 18th July 1962 , presided over by the new Chairman , Lt. Col. J.A .
30 " Trust him to land a good catch on his first day out , " he muttered to himself , and watched as the boat struck her sails and picked up her mooring , which was marked by a pig 's bladder float with a feather on it , a stone 's throw offshore in the stretch of water known as Polruan 's Pool .
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