Example sentences of "[was/were] prepared [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This terminological ambiguity symbolizes a basic contradiction embodied in the whole process of change which followed 1868 , a running tension between those who looked back and sought to revive what they saw as the best in Japanese tradition in the face of a Western onslaught , and those who looked to the future and were prepared to accommodate the values and techniques of their competitors , if only to compete effectively with them .
2 Followers were prepared to live a life of poverty .
3 They were prepared to kill the journalist Broom-Parker rather than let him talk to me .
4 Yeah their their funding tends to be they 'll they 'll fund something like a production or they 'll say at you know if you put our name up were give you so much or General Portfolio perhaps will will fund a particular show or a series of show 's or say were prepared to put a thousand pounds could you name six shows and we 'll put our name on those show 's when they 're advertised but no company or other Council 's actually prepared to come along and say were prepared to put money on a regular basis .
5 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
6 By going even so short a distance , however , men could free themselves from the control of their lord and the custom of the manor , and it is clear that one can see a similar situation elsewhere in the country ; families were prepared to leave the land to free themselves from their lords ( 79 , p.35 ) .
7 She guessed these were harlots who were prepared to entertain the men according to their preferences .
8 Association chairman , Leeds manager Howard Wilkinson , said : ‘ We are extremely fortunate that Orient were prepared to allow a man of Frank 's talent to take on the job . ’
9 Fewer students were prepared to undertake the commitment to submit written work on a regular basis , or to study over long periods , and although the number of Article 24(a) Tutorial Classes rose from fourteen in 1947–48 to thirty in 1951–52 as a direct result of the District 's programme for action , the totals for Article 24(b) Sessional classes declined from forty-one to thirty-two over the same period .
10 Though I should say that what councillor said that my group were prepared to set a higher tax level if that were necessary .
11 Many Europeans were prepared to treat the far-off Soviet operation as a defensive action in line with the Brezhnev doctrine .
12 And when that area was satisfactorily filled , they were prepared to extend the boundaries of the borough by granting more land for building , as happened at Scarborough in 1256 ( Plate 111 ) or at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1298 .
13 But if the person involved were prepared to take a chance , he would be even less so at six o'clock . ’
14 The Chilean case shows that the working class were prepared to take the situation into their own hands and adopt radical action over the heads of their own leaders .
15 Fox in 1792 and Romilly in 1806 were prepared to take the risk .
16 BEFORE the two-pronged Antipodean attack on the Springboks few South Africans were prepared to anticipate a plummeting fall from grace .
17 That the views of Edwardian Conservatives elided so easily with those expressed by such a maverick as Maxse is evidence of how threatened the Conservatives felt and how far they were prepared to use a radical voice to pursue Conservative ends .
18 The effect of this was to make the personnel of the Court of Napoleon III somewhat heterogeneous , for many of the Orléanist nobility were prepared to use the Tuileries , consoling themselves with the thought that the Emperor 's half-brother , the Duke de Morny , was held still to be faithful to Orléanist principles .
19 Soviet leaders were prepared to confirm the neutrality of Cambodia and Laos in this way .
20 Najib said the authorities were prepared to tolerate a multi-party system in Afghanistan provided that the new parties agreed inter alia on a policy of non-alignment and ‘ the strengthening of the traditional historic friendship with the Soviet Union ’ .
21 In both books , neither community were prepared to give the outsiders a chance , it 's their obvious ignorance and old ways which prevent their neighbourhood from being a complete one .
22 We expected that a number — perhaps an embarrassingly large number — of students would decide that they simply did not like our courses , and we were prepared to smooth the path of transfer .
23 THE Liberal Democrats were prepared to do a deal which could have rescued the Government from its humiliating defeat in last week 's Maastricht rebellion .
24 And , and were prepared to do the work so long as they could get the say so from erm the Highways Authority .
25 Even though the NSDAP was to achieve its majority in the Danzig Volkstag with a very clear mandate from the electorate to do what it thought necessary , most Danzigers were prepared to reap the benefits of being on the winning side without pondering too deeply the significance or morality of their own personal support for a party they did not entirely trust or like .
26 It was also uncertain by the middle of the year to what extent the LDP 's factions were prepared to support a challenge to Kaifu for the leadership .
27 Most of the contending candidates for the presidential nomination and 18 of the 30 state governors indicated that they were prepared to support a limited delay in the establishment of a civilian adminstration in order to ensure a smooth of handover of power .
28 Moreover , the war intensified factional disputes as socialists divided between ‘ defencists ’ who were prepared to support the war effort and ‘ internationalists ’ , among whom Lenin was most uncompromising , who condemned it .
29 Some , disregarding their oaths , favoured the election of the king of France , Philip Augustus ; others were prepared to support the candidature of King Richard I of England .
30 In fact , there was only a small nucleus of non-party men who were prepared to support the Court on all occasions — men such as the Secretary of War , William Blathwayt , or Treasury Secretary , William Lowndes , who were essentially civil servants .
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