Example sentences of "[was/were] turned [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 When the electors became redundant the buildings were turned into a university .
2 THESE BATHS WERE turned into a handsome Edwardian Arts and Crafts complex after they were suddenly vacated by the Navy .
3 ‘ Honestly , Mil , ’ said Enid gently , ‘ I know it must have been awful when you were turned into a frog , what with the narrow squeak in the potion lab and everything , but do n't you think perhaps you 're getting a little obsessed with frogs and ponds ?
4 On the mug was a face and , right side up , lettering over it said : ‘ FULL ’ and the face was beery , jolly and merry ; but , bottoms up , it read : ‘ EMPTY ’ and the peaked eyebrows were turned into a drooping and despondent mouth .
5 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
6 ‘ If my observations are correct , the mattress and blankets were turned into a roaring inferno within seconds .
7 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
8 Comrades were unlucky not to score in the 11th minute , Colin Crawford picking out Eddie Patterson whose snap shot was turned for a corner by Mark Gillespie , in for the dropped Stephen Eachus .
9 The same kind of escape ( or enlargement , if you look at the process in a favourable light ) is allowed for in a discussion of half a century ago in which the thesis that all novels contributed to a sense of escape from the artificial complexities of civilisation was turned to a commercial purpose .
10 First a boxwood blank was turned to a cylinder .
11 He was so handsome , so present — it was a warmth and vitality that only his immense rage had masked , making her lash out in self-defence , but now that it was turned to a kind of gentle humour , and — she had to admit it — a single-minded interest in her she found him dangerously attractive .
12 Soon after , thanks largely to the endeavours of India 's finest ornithologist , Salim Ali , the ex-Maharajah 's swamp was turned into a sanctuary unequalled in Asia .
13 Fortune duly gave way to forfeit ; the cars were sold , the duck marsh was turned into a bird sanctuary and the only tigers left in Bharatpur are stuffed .
14 A cry of despair was turned into a Declaration for Democracy .
15 At the beginning of February , his organisation , formerly a government department , was turned into a nominally independent company .
16 Hitler 's speech on 20 July after the attempt on his life was turned into a criticism of him and the regime .
17 As late as 1866 a hotel at Martinsburg , West Virginia , was turned into a station .
18 The look-out towers were provided with clocks , and the fortified entrance was turned into a long porte cochère with projecting canopies .
19 The expenditure was subsequently repudiated by the Colonial Office and the villa was turned into a fine hotel with a station alongside .
20 ‘ The school 's multi-purpose hall was turned into a crêpe paper circus tent for the night .
21 This little study , when set in the appropriate context , was turned into a short piece for a local history magazine .
22 Earlier chapters have drawn out some of the consequences of this peculiarity ; this one turns to procedural matters , and to the way in which the involvement of third parties , once an obstacle to the legal recognition of trusts , was turned into a virtue and one of their greatest strengths in the legal enforcement of testamentary dispositions .
23 0n the larger scene , the Hydraulics Research Station was turned into a private company .
24 But how it was — he booted out , thumping kicks , as a squealing cat — it was turned into a farce .
25 In contrast , Labour did gain ground among social groups AB ( up from 14 per cent in 1987 to 20 per cent in 1992 ) , C1 ( up from 21 to 25 per cent ) and in the supposedly crucial ‘ swing ’ group , the C2s , among whom a 40:36 split in favour of the Conservatives was turned into a 41:38 Labour advantage — still not an election-winning gain , but more in line with the sort of swing that Labour needed , but failed to achieve , among the working class as a whole .
26 A PLANE was turned into a makeshift surgery when a doctor was forced back to work early on a flight home from the sun .
27 The couple 's Mediterranean cruise two summers ago was turned into a farce when she dialled the ship — and spoke to Diana by mistake .
28 Police were waiting on the streets and the square was turned into a dangerous , slippery ‘ ice rink ’ as water was sprayed over the hallowed ground in an effort to deter the demonstrators .
29 At the same time as the context was rarefied , the Minimalist object was turned into a high-tech , mass-produced commodity — now the container and the contained can both go into circulation .
30 The Spaak Committee was turned into a conference charged with drafting the appropriate treaties .
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