Example sentences of "[was/were] probably [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I sat and pondered these options for some time before deciding that numbers 1 and 2 were probably a bit over the top ( especially if it WAS Darren White that she really fancied ! ) .
2 I mean she 's talking about it and I said well I thought at five they were probably a bit young .
3 The causes of this are not entirely clear , but were probably a combination of the increasing costs of warfare ( as the empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine and Danube , and from the Persians in the east ) and of the exhaustion of the Roman mines in Spain , which seem for the first two centuries AD to have provided an important contribution to the difference between Rome 's income ( taxes ) and expenditure ( especially on war ) .
4 There were probably a number of them in Britain , but they must have left very little archaeological trace , needing only a flat piece of ground , probably outside the towns , marked out with wood rails and probably a stand at the finishing post for the local dignitaries and wealthy citizens .
5 Although there may have been a trade in illicit cattle across the border between the Dutch and Kandyan territories in the eighteenth century , the large-scale networks were probably a product of the early and middle nineteenth century , made possible by the increased demand for cattle for transportation and meat .
6 One of Mozart 's contemporaries summed up what were probably the feelings of many fellow-musicians on hearing the news of his death : it was , of course , a pity that such a great genius was dead , but on the whole it was a good thing for the others .
7 It was not only waders that made use of the sand : green-backed herons , cattle egrets and a solitary grey heron were also busily feeding , and a distant party of little terns on a sand spit were probably the race called Saunders 's tern , judging by the amount of dark on the wing-tips when they flew off .
8 ‘ If you were playing football at all , you were probably the ball . ’
9 Wright acted as Chairman with two principals , John Haddon and Samuel Davis , and these three were probably the founder members .
10 This is normally accompanied by the equally widespread concentration on the factual content or the basic manipulative skills in the material and the associated neglect of the higher-level objectives that were probably the author 's main motivation in developing it in the first place .
11 The signet rings were probably the prerogative of the rich , as they were often made of gold or silver .
12 Rather , they were probably the consequence of the expectations of the experimenters — the so-called " experimenter effect " .
13 The financial advisers of those days were probably the people who taught the ones who have been professional schemes .
14 At the same time it was doubtless the case that by-employments , which were probably the rule rather than the exception , were decisive in bringing the level of wealth in districts unfavourable to husbandry more or less into line with that of the more eligible farming regions .
15 The privatisation of British Steel and Rover during 1988 were probably the privatisations which gave government ministers the most satisfaction , particularly in the aftermath of the disappointments of the BP flotation .
16 Angus McLaren 's study of the Lancashire textile workers , whose fertility was less than other working-class groups in the nineteenth century , suggests that many of the miscarriages which were reported , and many which were not reported , were probably the result of abortion achieved through the use of Epsom and Glauber salts or similar substances .
17 There was probably no subject , Wickham realized , that at least one person in the newsroom could not discuss with authority but it was a bit of time-saving luck that Shildon had investigated MacQuillan .
18 The departure of Bob Horton was a traumatic event , but Sir Patrick suggests that there was probably no group of people better qualified to take such a decision than BP 's non-executives .
19 But it was probably a can of lager .
20 The main reason , main thing is presuming that there must have been refreshments for all these people , probably might have been just a buffet or cup of coffee , or I expect there was probably a lunch laid on , I want to know who footed the bill for the lunch ?
21 He was probably a Greek from southern Italy .
22 William was probably a clerk in minor orders .
23 We thought it was probably a Jap plane , and they were in the habit of swooping down and machine-gunning anybody , so , although it was a boiling hot day , I said to you children , ‘ Let's play a game of tag round that heap of stones , ’ thinking that at least we would not all get hit .
24 They all assured her that he was probably a multi-millionaire .
25 There was probably a night service bus , but she had no idea where she could catch it , or where it stopped in Yonder .
26 She looked Italian , was well dressed and was probably a secretary at the United Nations .
27 The required level of documentation is much higher , ’ Phillips now says that ‘ it was probably a trick ’ .
28 Just for a moment I thought I saw a flicker of emotion in her eyes , but it was probably a trick of the light .
29 Jo figured that her mother was probably a nympho — after all , it took one to know one and Jo thought she was probably a nympho herself .
30 Jo figured that her mother was probably a nympho — after all , it took one to know one and Jo thought she was probably a nympho herself .
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