Example sentences of "[was/were] to go into the " in BNC.

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1 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
2 We were to go into the mountains and spend one night in tents before making our rendezvous the next day .
3 And how many officers were to go into the flat ?
4 It seemed to Pearce that the best way to gain his goal was to go into the Civil Service , which was the career that most of the more successful pupils from his school tended ti follow .
5 His plan for that was to go into the restaurant car park and allow enough time for the other car to clear the fuel service area , then fill his own tank and give chase .
6 You got so that the first thing you did every day was to go into the kitchen and say good morning to it .
7 I now knew the last thing in the whole world I wanted was to go into the mountains again with FAKINTIL .
8 The proposed closure was confirmed just twenty four hours after British Coal announced the pit was to go into the review procedure and revealed that it 's lost more than six million pounds in the last six months .
9 The closure has been confirmed twenty four hours after British Coal announced the pit was to go into the review procedure and revealed that it 's lost more than six million pounds in the last six months .
10 The announcement was confirmed twenty four hours after British Coal said the pit was to go into the review procedure .
11 The proposed closure has been confirmed twenty four hours after British Coal announced the pit was to go into the review procedure and it was revealed that it had lost more than six million pounds in the last six months .
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