Example sentences of "[is] estimate [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Between the surrender and December 1948 the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce retail price index rose by 4000 per cent and it is estimated that black market prices increased at double this rate .
2 RECYCLED PAPER It is estimated that certain plastics will take over 400 years to disintegrate , so that is why we are introducing more recyclable plastic , which can be melted down and re-used .
3 In the Indian subcontinent , where large numbers of people work on the land , it is estimated that many thousands of people die from snake bites every year .
4 In Britain it is estimated that eighty-three per cent of these carers have no outside help whatsoever .
5 Exports of the bird have increased sharply in recent years ; last year it is estimated that 500 of the remaining 2,000 birds were exported from Indonesia , while 200 more died in an Indonesian export house .
6 It is estimated that seventy thousand old barns survive , many in poor condition .
7 It is estimated that 60,000 sites are worthy of scheduling .
8 Of an edition of Luther 's Bible printed in Wittenberg in 1534 , it is estimated that 100,000 copies were sold in forty years .
9 It is estimated that three-quarters of the region 's population eat pies regularly both at home and outside .
10 IT is estimated that all employees who originally applied to participate in Heartwatch will have undertaken an appointment by the middle of this year .
11 The hard disk is now down to 50% , and it is estimated that all non-Accounts files will be off the system by the end of June .
12 It is estimated that one heavy rainstorm could bring disaster .
13 Badger-baiting is at an all-time high in East and North Yorkshire and it is estimated that each year in Great Britain as many as 9,000 badgers meet a premature death .
14 However , even in the present stage of battery technology and without recourse to any of the many new battery types under test at present it is estimated that due to the preponderance of short trips ( this is in an industrialised country equivalent in size to the UK ) 70% of present fuel consumption in cars could be substituted by use of battery vehicles .
15 In Western Europe it is estimated that new cars will become , on average , 2% more fuel efficient per year to 1990 , Europe 's motor manufacturers having given the commitment to governments to improve the fuel efficiency of their 1985 models by 10% over the 1978 efficiency level .
16 It is estimated that two-thirds of those with impaired hearing suffer from tinnitus , but it is almost unknown in the born deaf who have never experienced sound .
17 And yet it is estimated that two-thirds of companies fail to employ their quota of registered disabled and only two government departments employ 3 per cent disabled .
18 The business gift sector is characterised by seasonal demand , and it is estimated that 80 per cent of this business is conducted in the last two months of every year .
19 In the UK , it is estimated that 1 in 4 people are overweight , grade 1 obesity , the major reasons for dieting are cosmetic and a sense of well-being .
20 During this period , it is estimated that half a million people were slaughtered in the communal violence that flooded the country .
21 Even if those who are living in institutions are excluded , it is estimated that half of old people under 75 and about two-thirds of those over 75 are suffering from a long-standing illness in addition to normal minor ailments .
22 It is estimated that half of the 700,000 lakes in the six eastern provinces of Canada ( south of 52 °N ) have alkalinity ( acid neutralizing capacity ) values below 50 µ eq/l , that is , they are extremely acid sensitive .
23 Based on a national postal survey to chief constables in 1986 , it is estimated that 75–80 000 young people are reported as missing each year in Britain ( De'Ath , 1987 ) .
24 Indeed , it is estimated that one-half of them have to depend on state benefits .
25 Locally , it is estimated that more than half the 200 Health Authorities in England and Wales designated a responsible officer , and that there was a greater volume and variety of activity than ever before : traditional courses were supplemented by a new range of imaginative options , to which more managers than ever before had access .
26 It is estimated that another 40 heavy lorries will be on the roads every week to replace the 24 wagon train which runs to St Helens and Edinburgh carrying 520 tonnes of cider and four loads of electrical light fittings .
27 Some 15 million of them served in the armed forces , over 11 million going overseas ; and it is estimated that another 15 million moved from their homes , mainly in the smaller towns and the rural areas , to the booming sites of the war industries , such as those in California .
28 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
29 It is estimated that 60 per cent of the rural population of Latin America lives in conditions of poverty ( ECLAC/FAO 1985 ) .
30 Latin America 's nutritional levels are higher than in many other parts of the Third world , and yet it is estimated that 15 per cent of the region 's children suffer from medium to high-level malnutrition , which means , given the differences within the region , high levels in some areas ( López Cordovez 1982 ) .
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