Example sentences of "[is] reasonable [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is reasonable to anticipate that wherever in this universe life evolves on the surface of a massive ellipsoid like the earth , the advanced forms will have one-fold symmetry .
2 Usually it is reasonable to presume that ( if the parties had considered the eventuality that the contract would become impossible or illegal to perform ) , they would have intended all further performance to be excused .
3 My basic feeling is that while it is reasonable to ask that that a council , as a council , as a political grouping , may make the decisions about things , it is an absolute nonsense that many , many councils — some of them are worse than others — will not let their professionals speak out on their you know from using their own expertise , their own knowledge , their own experience , and quite often that that debate , the whole debate is gagged by the fact that you 're employees of the council .
4 Therefore , assuming that the supply of heroin remains strong , it is reasonable to predict that future levels of heroin use will continue to mirror any increases in unemployment or poverty , though a decline in social deprivation will not necessarily be accompanied by a drop in the prevalence of heroin use .
5 From reports of management within enuresis clinics it is reasonable to predict that 400000 might be curable .
6 But the complication of such an operation would be considerable ; and it is reasonable to say that the entire population of the Pacific nations , even if they inhabit the Atlantic seaboard , can make use of the goods that are carried across the Pacific Ocean .
7 There are situations , it seems , where it is reasonable to say that there are two or more causal circumstances for a single effect .
8 It is reasonable to acknowledge that women and men within one community do share a historical and cultural experience to a much greater extent than the miner and the public schoolboy .
9 The common duty of care is a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is invited or permitted by the occupier to be there .
10 Since s. 2(2) OLA 1957 requires the occupier to take such care as is reasonable to see that visitors will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which they are invited or permitted by the occupier to be there , lawful visitors will be owed a duty only in so far as they remain within the scope of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
11 the occupier of premises does not owe any such duty to a trespasser : he does not owe to the trespasser a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the trespasser will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is trespassing .
12 The duty is in s. 2(2) of the Act : The common duty of care is a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is invited or permitted to be there .
13 With hundreds of thousands of paying spectators each week , with rising transfer fees , and the registration of clubs as limited liability companies surely it is reasonable to conclude that professional football was ‘ a business ’ ?
14 But from this , and from table 4.8 , it is reasonable to conclude that the situation is in this respect less focused than in the inner city .
15 In view of this it is reasonable to conclude that all experience of physical force is mediated by its prior constitution as a cultural category .
16 Against this background , it is reasonable to conclude that cardiac rehabilitation programmes are cost effective and should be made available to all who would benefit .
17 For OCS it is reasonable to argue that the higher frequency motion corresponds to the CO stretch and the lower frequency to the CS stretch , as the two terminal atoms have very different masses .
18 It is reasonable to suppose that this fact is significant , even allowing for the fact that Scaevola is disproportionately well represented in the Digest by cases on the law of succession .
19 Centromeres are portions of the DNA that hold the two halves of a divided chromosome together , and it is reasonable to suppose that the centromeres of a given species would be more like one another than like the centromeres of another species .
20 But some aspects of traditional medicine have received more attention than others , and it is reasonable to suppose that at least some of the neglected aspects embody knowledge of potential value .
21 If life has developed for the enjoyment that it brings , and it started with the existence of a single cell , then it is reasonable to suppose that the single cell was capable of the detection of an extremely small measure of ‘ pleasure ’ which it could experience by satisfying some ‘ desire ’ .
22 If all jobs and workers were homogeneous and there were perfect information and perfect mobility of labour , then it is reasonable to suppose that all wages would be equal .
23 It is reasonable to suppose that the ‘ leading ’ industries will be willing to concede money wage increases to their workers equal to the rate of productivity growth : this will not in itself be inflationary as the average price level in these industries can be held constant .
24 Similarly , it is reasonable to suppose that many of the haves will be among the most ruthless of society , and will pass on their inhumane ethic to their children , thereby perpetuating it : is this really the future we wish for our species ?
25 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
26 In view of the analogy it is reasonable to suppose that there are Sun-days and nights , and a Sun-afternoon when the solar-flare activity is past its peak but not yet entirely over .
27 Surely it is reasonable to suppose that they have the same feeling as I have when they do so . ’
28 It is reasonable to suppose that these language users might ( even accidentally ) hit on new combinations of phrases to produce slightly longer sentences than had hitherto been the rule : sentences , moreover , whose newly-coined significance derived from both the context of their first use and the pre-established significance of their components .
29 These are businesses which have grown naturally because of a need that we have recognized and it is reasonable to suppose that if we have done the job right , and tested the external market to see if such services are not available to our satisfaction elsewhere , we would start with some sort of competitive edge .
30 It is reasonable to suppose that children enter a communication task as active interactants ready to ask questions and generally negotiate meaning because that is what they do all the time in the world outside the laboratory .
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