Example sentences of "[is] sometimes [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 In some birds each sheet is twisted through a small constant angle with respect to its predecessor , giving rise to what is sometimes called a twisted ply or structure ( Figure 4 ) ; such a structure is handed .
2 A popular drink among healthy Italian restaurant-goers , it is sometimes called a ‘ canary ’ .
3 knit the next few rows as usual , then cross the cable the opposite way ( in the same channel ) you are producing what is sometimes called a snake cable , since that is what it looks like .
4 We are producing what is sometimes called a sociogram which is a diagram which maps human interactions .
5 So it is sometimes called a " history of salvation " .
6 If f : unc is 1-1 and onto B , f is sometimes called a 1-1 correspondence .
7 Given what has been said , further , a mental event is not necessarily what is sometimes called a whole mental state , which is to say all of a person 's consciousness at or for a time , but typically is a part of a whole mental state , a part which itself has parts .
8 The sort of surplus Paisley had is sometimes called a " primary " surplus because it derives exclusively from first-preference votes .
9 In the early days of life the infant is sometimes called a new-born .
10 I regard the father 's promise in this case as what is sometimes called a unilateral contract , a promise in return for an act , a promise by the father to pay £1 per week in return for the mother 's looking after the child .
11 If the first derivative of the property-temperature curve is measured , a change in the vicinity of T g is found ; for this reason it is sometimes called a second-order transition .
12 This is sometimes called a space lattice .
13 A paragraph , on the other hand , has its main point or direction indicated in the opening sentence , which is sometimes called a TOPIC SENTENCE .
14 This is sometimes called a ‘ pre-test ’ and checks the feasibility of the scheme .
15 Such a contrast between east and west is sometimes considered a principle of temple-decoration , the Parthenon being cited as another example .
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