Example sentences of "[is] not a proper " in BNC.

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1 The English rose is not a proper emblem for any political party , but for the nation as whole .
2 Sheltering under the banner , or figleaf , of ‘ agricultural development ’ is not a proper stance for those who make decisions or principle , by action or equally by inaction , on major conservation issues , involving important principle .
3 What is more , radio reviewing is not a proper job for a grown man .
4 ‘ A house is not a proper home without children , and I quite thought there might have been three at least by now . ’
5 ‘ This is not a proper conversation , ’ Miss Phoebe murmured , and more loudly : ‘ A few slices of thin bread and butter as well , Jess . ’
6 I AM writing in response to Mr. Gage 's letter in September RW&P in which he says that there is not a proper step between the club rugby and international rugby in England and that there will be too many league matches for top players .
7 Strictly speaking , this second is not a proper rule because it does not end with a single well defined action .
8 Make sure the abbreviation used is not a proper word which you might use elsewhere in the document .
9 Now this is rather a banal claim I suppose that erm the proper function of government is to manage things well , I mean who would have doubted that , but the other claim that governments , one of the roles of governments is to improve the citizens is more surprising , particularly for a liberal view and there 's a more standard liberal position now would be that the moral well-being citizens is not a proper matter of governmental concern .
10 You may use the EVAL function to convert a sting input to a numeric and report an error if the string is not a proper number or you can include your own validation checks .
11 He 's not a proper father : he 'd rather talk to a foreigner than come and find his own son .
12 I 've taken out jobs that er like er St Pancreas roof which is erm a total of a large amount of money for scaffolding , but really it 's not a proper job .
13 ‘ To be honest it 's not a proper bridge , although sooner or later I intend to build one .
14 It 's not a proper book , I 've always said , unless it 's got lists and part numbers in it . ’
15 That is n't a proper name . "
16 She is n't a proper vegetarian then is she ?
17 She is n't a proper vegetarian then ?
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