Example sentences of "[is] [to-vb] the right " in BNC.

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1 But maybe the offer is refused because the kitchen sink has been enthroned as the living nerve-centre of the home , and to abandon it is to lose the right to be considered worthy and hard-working ; she who washes the dishes puts everybody else under an obligation .
2 This is to treat the right as a call option which confers the right to purchase the share at an exercise price equal to the subscription price .
3 Granted , if socialists merely develop a list of pat answers to these questions ( nationalisation , ‘ planning ’ ) while failing to fight for more immediately realisable socialist gains outside of government they will not get much of a hearing , but equally to write off the macroeconomic questions as too difficult to speculate about is to forego the right to contest the policies of a reactionary national government .
4 But they do n't care that the only honest answer to the West Lothian Question — which is to deny the right of Scots MPs to share in legislating for England and Wales on those subjects which in Scotland have been devolved to the Scottish parliament — would render any British government unstable , since it might possess a majority on some issues but not on others .
5 In his ‘ analysis ’ of the situation in Cyprus , Jerry Gustafson ( Letters , February 23rd ) claims that Turkey 's only crime is to protect the rights of the Turkish Cypriots .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the aim of the Bill is to protect the rights of the British people and make those rights more important than the so-called rights of bogus refugees ?
7 Most landowners do realise that people have a right to be there and the best PR for them is to ensure the rights of way are clear and enjoyable — landowners need public support .
8 If Rooney is to have the right to do this , and express his views publicly , then so is Mitchell .
9 I 'm not sure that withholding diplomatic recognition is the best way to approach that , after all diplomatic recognition is concerned really with the effective control of territory and things like that rather than with moral principles , however , I think that er , when the Soviet Republics are signing their new Union Treaty or Commonwealth Treaty or whatever it 's going to be called by that time , this question should be amongst the most important to be tackled there , that 's to say the rights of ethnic minorities living in Republican Territories , that they should have the right to educate their children in their own language , that they should have the right to their own religion and so on and so forth .
10 The overall aim is to confer the right on professionals to have their qualifications recognised in all member states .
11 To know an object well is to earn the right to celebrate it .
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