Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] intention of " in BNC.

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1 There were echoes here of 1984 , the year in which the main associations of the book world set up a joint committee to run a vigorous campaign to fight the then Thatcher government 's rumoured intention of levying a positive rate of VAT on books and learned journals .
2 Water authority prospectuses will carry a ‘ health warning ’ about the Opposition 's stated intention of bringing the industry back into public ownership .
3 These figures give cause for considerable concern : they raise doubts about the genuineness of the government 's stated intention of improving community care .
4 Given the coming demographic changes which will lead to a steep decline in the eighteen-year-old population from the later 1980s onwards and the present government 's stated intention of constraining expenditure on higher education , it is unlikely that this expansion will be maintained .
5 Therefore , I regret Labour 's stated intention of abolishing all museums charges , because that would remove from museums the opportunity to be flexible about staying open later , to improve services and generally to meet the added requirements of the public .
6 With South Africa 's re-entry into the world community and the government 's stated intention of rejoining the ILO the time is ripe for a comprehensive comparative study .
7 The end result of this series of political compromises and adjustments , which the Conservatives implemented in 1974 , was a seriously flawed structure which certainly could not deliver the government 's stated intention of " maximum accountability upward , maximum delegation downwards " ( DHSS 1972 ) ( see Figure 1.2 ) .
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