Example sentences of "[is] [adv] bind up " in BNC.

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1 There is , of course , a major difference between people who hold most of their wealth in land , or stocks and shares and government bonds , or even gold , compared with those whose ‘ wealth ’ is predominantly bound up in their right to an occupational or state pension .
2 Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion .
3 It turns out that the wild dog business is intimately bound up with another coming problem ; the spread of silvan rabies out of eastern Europe .
4 Mastery of the code of reading is intimately bound up with oral competence in a language .
5 To summarise therefore , the teaching of Jesus on this subject is intimately bound up with his establishment of the Kingdom : it is not a condemnation of wealth as such but a much-needed perspective on the material world in an age of materialism .
6 The nature of the laterality index one chooses is intimately bound up with the sort of theoretical question one wishes to ask ( Eling , 1981 ) .
7 This subject is intimately bound up with our corporate image .
8 He also develops Foucault in suggesting that the classification of space ( what he calls its ‘ regionalisation ’ and ‘ sequestration ’ ) is intimately bound up with these forms of surveillance and control .
9 Playing Richard is so bound up with physical attitude , and I think that as actors we are not well enough equipped to meet that kind of physical thinking in that kind of role .
10 It may appear rather odd that a book on an emerging language devotes a chapter to the process of translating meaning from that language to another and vice versa ( especially when this second language will be , virtually always , English ) , but the development of BSL , and its community of users is so bound up in its treatment by hearing people that it is essential to have some discussion on the matter .
11 The history of the use of herbs in food is naturally bound up with the history of food itself .
12 Also , since conjunction is a device for signalling relations between chunks of information , it is naturally bound up with both the chunking of information , how much to say in one go , and with how the relations between such chunks of information are perceived and signalled .
13 The reason the market economy or catallaxy produces fresh wealth rather than simply redistributing existing wealth is critically bound up with the way in which market prices act as signals containing vital information .
14 We all know in very broad terms that locality is somehow bound up with social relations and social change .
15 Values education is largely bound up with behaviour , and teachers blame the lowered expectations in behaviour on the emotional troubles imported from home — and on parents who have failed to draw the line on behaviour for their offspring .
16 The preoccupied merchant , whose attention is totally bound up with his commercial affairs and who consequently neglects his wife , is a stock figure of fabliau-type narrative ( compare , for instance , La Bourgoise d'Orliens , Le Cuvier , " The bathtub " , or L'Enfant qui fu remis au soleil , " The child who was given back to the sun " ) .
17 Do we have here an expression of the belief that the redemption of nature is integrally bound up with man 's redemption ?
18 So either one can not imagine postal activity in isolation , because it is conceptually bound up with so much else , or one can imagine it as the futile activity of a deluded loner .
19 It is also bound up with the proximity of research .
20 And since every violation of the equilibrium is inevitably bound up with a decline in the productive forces , it goes without saying , that in an antagonistic society , the development of the productive forces is made possible only by means of their periodic destruction .
21 Policies inevitably reflect ideologies , frameworks of values , either hidden or overt , and the sociologist employed on work in particular policy areas is inevitably bound up with these frameworks of values .
22 The success of a system is often bound up with the success of the state that is its main proponent .
23 In so doing , they claim that it is not just secondary qualities that are confined to the mind , but , with them , the whole vivid force of the world-as-we-perceive-it , - what some philosophers call the manifest image of the world — which is intrinsically bound up with the secondary qualities .
24 Similarly the value of something is intrinsically bound up with the way in which someone who recognizes it is drawn to it , or repelled by it if the value is negative , but is not merely a disposition to attract or repel , for we can not be thus attracted or repelled except by recognizing ( or at least seeming to recognize ) a value
25 Given the political rationale lying behind these sharp changes in the volume of aid directed to particular countries , it is clear that the promotion of the donors ' perceived national self-interest is closely bound up with aid .
26 Clearly the question of reserves is closely bound up with both the question of productive consumption ( including capital construction ) and the question of personal consumption ( the personal consumption of the masses ) .
27 In Zimbabwe and Zambia ( formerly the British colonies of Southern and Northern Rhodesia ) , the history of the press is closely bound up with that of South Africa , both colonies being linked to the South by economic ties , by transport and communications , and by the political pressures exerted by vocal white settler communities .
28 This is why I maintain that both when and how these funds will be spent is closely bound up with the question of morality .
29 One 's sense of oneself as a person is closely bound up with one 's name .
30 This aspect of lexical choice is closely bound up with semantic relations between noun phrases in the clause : these have been investigated by Fillmore under the heading of " case " , and by Halliday under the heading of " transitivity " .
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