Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 And then I 've got some work here for those who thing everything 's up to date .
2 ‘ Oi think that 's up to date , as far as oi can see , that is , chuck . ’
3 The book is up to date with the Companies Act 1989 and all accounting and financial reporting standards and exposure drafts issued by the Accounting Standards Board up to August 1992 , including FRS2 .
4 Once your registration status is up to date you will be sent a plastic card containing your name and Personal Identification Number ( PIN ) and it is this card which constitutes evidence of your ‘ licence to practise ’ .
5 You should check with your employer that you have made a nomination and that it is up to date .
6 Any guidebook is only as good as the input of information into it , and this is an opportunity to make sure the guide is up to date and accurate .
7 And you do know that the data is up to date ( the first instruction given to students when studying bits of weather paper at a number of airfields these days should be to check the date on the top ) .
8 Now if anybody 's finished and is wondering what to do check through and make sure everything is up to date .
9 So do n't start this work until everything else is up to date .
10 This has ensured that the video is up to date , as well as giving me a few more grey hairs !
11 If this were a simple and one-way movement , the answer would lie in ensuring that the record of achievement is up to date and intelligible , that assessment records are accurate and that the pastoral record , if any , is both just and constructive .
12 As to the reasons why this alteration is necessary , the county council thinks there are three reasons , The first is to reflect the wish of government that the development planning system er is up to date , second and more practically , to provide a context for district wide development plan , and third , the urgent need to resolve the future strategic planning direction of greater York .
13 Certainly this alteration will ensure the strategic policy in North Yorkshire is up to date .
14 ‘ This is up to date is n't it ? ’
15 Personal study kits and work books are an integral part of the course , and it is in part up to each individual to ensure that his or her course work is up to date .
16 Every notice is up to date , attractive , perfectly aligned on the purpose-built tacky surface .
17 th th the building went ahead and people every year or two sometimes twice in a year get flooded and they get sewages the the sewer with the volume of rain water they ca n't otherwise get away , but it brings to light what happens i i i in the ditches and , and the waterways that are spread across the direction of Airport and then out into the river when the tide is low because the switches close when the tide comes in and basically er and this is up to date information the information that I have is that the channels are the responsibility of the er you know responsibilities are either kept cleared or not clogged up and in connection with the , with the incident I , I did hear it said that in , in a place where once said it usually counts that possibly and more than the that the first flood was due because the drains and the ditches could n't take the volume of water after they were cleared and things have been pretty reasonable erm since that time , so it would seem to confirm what , what I have to say about keeping clear erm but it may be that authorities that were n't responsible had the job of cleaning them , I do n't know .
18 I mean the book itself is just published last , er Thursday I believe it was , and er so it was up to date , is up to date until the summer , which is you know more up to date than any other book , so it 's got things like : Greta Garbo dying , and Princess Eugenie being born and Nelson Mandela being free , and of course it 's the first encyclopaedia to have all the details of nineteen eighty nine , the , the upheaval in , in Europe , all the political changes and whatever .
19 Last year 's leaflet is out of date , please order copies of the new one from Distribution Services .
20 In this , I think he is out of date .
21 I have not seen Brian Way for a few years now , since he went to work in America , but if he is continually developing his philosophy and practice at the rate Dorothy Heathcote is refining hers , then there is the added danger that anything written about them is out of date as it leaves the press .
22 It is in fact a very good example of attempting to ape industrial and commercial practice which is either not appropriate or indeed is out of date even in its own context .
23 Anything less is out of date and needs changing .
24 The whole momentum of the 1984 Act , with its emphasis on detention , interrogation , and confessions , has made the right to silence more vulnerable than ever to allegations that it is out of date , too favourable to criminals , and anachronistic .
25 Science teaching is also undermanned in less overt ways , such as teaching by unqualified teachers and those whose knowledge is out of date , adding perhaps another 10000 to this figure .
26 The UKCC has the moral high ground : it can argue that such courses must be funded in order to ensure safe practice and to protect the vulnerable public from nurses or health visitors whose practice is out of date and potentially dangerous .
27 Therefore , to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written .
28 Some of it 's , it 's some of it is out of date .
29 It is also worth noting that Lawton claims that the HMIs may be pushing a model of curriculum planning ( based upon statements of aims and objectives ) which is out of date an issue we return to later in the chapter , and in Chapter 8 .
30 the present legislation is out of date and does not reflect the nature of the audit at present carried out by the C & AG .
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