Example sentences of "[is] [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , he 's been happy knocking over inferior opposition and now people wonder how serious he is about the whole thing .
2 So with the particular diary system , I mean this , what I 've just said is about the whole course , but the particular diary , I would say get to grips with the diary first , and then you know , once you 're , you 're on , on , on tap with that , then get involved with the erm , project sheets and the project management forms .
3 Prices for a family of four staying in an apartment for two weeks this June start at just £287 — and that 's for the whole family !
4 That 's for the whole weekend
5 That 's for the whole lot .
6 George , who was eight years old when Coleridge was born , became almost a second father to him in the difficult years ahead , and was , Coleridge wrote , ‘ every way nearer to Perfection than any man I ever yet knew — indeed , he is worth the whole family in a Lump . ’
7 The Speakership is for the whole House of Commons , and should not be an extension of government patronage .
8 The way to eradicate threadworms is for the whole family ( apart , possibly , from pregnant mums ) to take de-worming treatment , either an over-the-counter medication or the rather more effective prescribed preparation from your doctor .
9 At the very least he is showing us that the Christian good news is for the whole world .
10 His gift of salvation is for the whole world , it 's available , God willeth not the death of the sinner , but that all should come to repent .
11 And I would rather be yours than anybody 's in the whole world !
12 It is in the whole couplet of A and B in which A is affected by its juxtaposition with B , and B by its juxtaposition with A. The whole is different from the sum of its parts because the parts influence or contaminate each other .
13 How significant do you think the warming of relations between Britain and Iran is in the whole scenario in the Gulf ?
14 So the message given to young people is on the whole negative : science and technology often create more problems than they solve .
15 It is operated in the same way as the trumpet , i.e. by means of three valves , and differs only from it in tone-quality ( owing to its wider bore and larger mouthpiece ) , which is on the whole rounder and less brassy than that of the trumpet .
16 So you 've got two countries next door to each other , one of which is on the whole starting into reasonably good practice , whereas the other has , although it says it has intentions of doing it , in the case of the Ivory Coast .
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