Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [adj] problems " in BNC.

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1 Jones is probably the best choice … ok so he s had disciplinary problems recently — this is no time to start making petty examples of players .
2 After a politburo meeting on Aug. 2 , it was reported that 21 of its 26 members favoured abandoning the controversial proposals , preferring to see ZANU use its current huge parliamentary majority — it held 116 of the 150 seats — to push through policies to combat the country 's pressing economic problems .
3 Although Hawke retained much of his former Cabinet following the general election , one notable absence was that of former Finance Minister Peter Walsh who retired from government because he felt that the Hawke administration lacked sufficient political will to tackle the country 's pressing financial problems [ see p. 37378 ] .
4 He will recognise that that is causing substantial problems for a number of carriers .
5 The continuing bad weather is causing serious problems for farmers .
6 Claims are also being made that over-grazing is causing environmental problems .
7 When one passes such messages back to one 's constituents , they say , ’ Who will do something to stop this nuisance , which is causing enormous problems not only to me but to the whole area ? ’
8 AN OMINOUS combination of industrial unrest , transport problems , investment cutbacks and unrelenting public suspicion over nuclear power is causing mounting problems for the Soviet energy industry .
9 Almost every country of the industrial world is experiencing economic problems .
10 But the Church is facing major problems .
11 Arbitragers said Edelman had lost $40million to $50million on a stake he had taken in Storehouse and is facing financial problems at Datapoint which he heads .
12 Cause they were bigger bags and they were heavier she 's getting real problems
13 But the most interesting thing about it is that i the actual level oestrogen bears no relationship to your symptoms as er Sheila has said , you can have two women with the sa exactly the same level of oestrogen and one woman is having awful problems and the other woman is , as we have heard , having no problems at all !
14 Seen by some as just a price/performance kicker in its initial guises , Intel is having well-documented problems in getting yields of the more important 66MHz part ( UX No 410 ) , and is reportedly still unable to get power consumption on the thing down to four watts .
15 The NIF can be triggered under the following circumstances : demand in the commercial paper market has temporarily dried up , say , as the result of the failure of other borrowers or changes in regulatory conditions ; or , the corporate is having financial problems ( although the bank can protect itself with a ‘ material adverse change ’ clause ) .
16 Moreover , enhanced soil erosion is creating other problems .
17 This is to prevent legal problems arising either during or at the end of the tenancy .
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