Example sentences of "[vb infin] yourself [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases this is due to great disappointment : if you can not enjoy yourself at Christmas when can you enjoy yourself ?
2 You will behave yourself in future ? ’
3 You should free yourself from thinking of them .
4 How would you describe yourself to others ?
5 I do remember saying , ‘ Look , you can give yourself to God but to me as well , and the public .
6 Is there a qualifying period before you can present yourself for examination ?
7 Mm and you should beat yourself with twigs as well .
8 " You 'd better send yourself to Hoggatt 's if you want to get there by eight-thirty .
9 Do n't stuff yourself with doughnuts or chocolate , or anything to which you are unaccustomed , or indeed anything to which you are accustomed but which you might suddenly be tempted to gorge in distorted amounts .
10 And if you ca n't organize yourself at work then it 's a ten to a penny that you ca n't organize the other bits either .
11 A cairn marks the crossroads , and although the outrageously boggy path will cover you in peat to the armpits , you may hug yourself in delight to be walking in empty country again , as the cries of ‘ Look , Mam .
12 On the one hand we do n't want to say to Iraq you ca n't defend yourself against Iran , but on the other we do n't trust the Iraqis not to turn those aircraft on us . ’
13 How 'd you defend yourself from accusations that you 're a bunch of middle-class college kids without the ‘ right ’ rock'n'roll attitude ?
14 In particular , you should familiarise yourself with fire escape routes .
15 Well you can take yourself to hospital .
16 Whereas the , the heaters that were installed went on thermostatically controlled and er when you went in the morning , the place was nice and warm and you could apply yourself to work right away .
17 Fall and you 'll cut yourself to ribbons . ’
18 Otherwise , I have no doubt that you can maintain yourself by writing . ’
19 If you got a tape at home or so , right you can record yourself at home .
20 ‘ Then you 'd better brace yourself for disappointment , because this time you 're going to be unsuccessful . ’
21 In fact you could n't adequately express yourself in English you were just better to shut up .
22 ‘ I think you 'd best get yourself off home now .
23 You can get yourself into bed now .
24 ‘ You know how long it takes you to wash and get yourself into bed , Beth reminded her .
25 You 'll only get yourself into trouble .
26 ‘ It would seem that you ca n't even get yourself from A to B without making a mess of it .
27 You are not a risk because you belong to a particular group , but you could put yourself at risk if you behave in ways which allow HIV transmission .
28 You can be more confident that a negative test result means that you are not infected if you do n't put yourself at risk of infection through unsafe sex or by sharing injecting equipment in the three months before taking the test .
29 ‘ If you do n't want to come fishing , why do n't you make yourself at home ?
30 ‘ Do make yourself at home , ’ said Sybil hospitably and bustled off into the kitchen .
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