Example sentences of "[vb infin] round in a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because I ca n't run round in a car with English number plates , ’ she explained .
2 He told me he was n't planning to see Mum straightaway but that he 'd call round in a couple of days to comfort her .
3 and whereas before we could walk round in a on a circular route , Yeah that 's Walk .
4 oh well now that 's summat else we do n't do now , we do n't , there 's some at sixpence and some at tuppence we do n't go round in a who
5 Eventually it was just a dark dot way up in the shy , almost unrecognisable except for the distinctive flight pattern : it would glide round in a circle , then soar off in a straight line , helped along by the wind , and finally resume its circular flight again .
6 When disturbed may fly round in a circle ; on ground does not hop like finches .
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