Example sentences of "[vb infin] to see they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thank you — I 'd prefer to see them in full sunlight , ’ Lucy said hastily , in case Silas imagined she was anxious to experience a moonlight stroll with him .
2 You 'd really need to see them to I mean I could n't explain it to you really .
3 You do n't fucking expect to see them on the side of a bar though do you ?
4 I would like to see them for the Falls .
5 I would like to see them for the Shankill .
6 I 'd like to see them in the first division .
7 Yes I w I I would think so I mean it it wo n't occur in five minutes of course erm and I I would still say that I would like to see them in the six yard box more often .
8 The public would still pay to see them at the cinema .
9 Instead of seeing money — or love , time , success or joy — as in short supply , we will come to see them as our natural birthright , letting them flow through our lives with great ease .
10 We do n't get to see them in the states so we have to come over here .
11 We can learn to see them as people loved by God , and for whom Christ died .
12 Most country and metropolitan district councils in England and Wales hold definitive maps , and you can ask to see them at council offices or sometimes at the public library .
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