Example sentences of "[vb infin] so far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Share prices could fall so far that his cash offer for DRG , the Basildon Bond company , starts to look attractive .
2 You must never allow yourself to be crowded out , neither must you retreat so far that you overstep the area boundary .
3 Fortunately the coughing did n't really matter so far as Tinkerbell was concerned … the light is supposed to flash erratically … but the noise was rather off-putting .
4 It is often a good idea to have several small aquaria instead of one larger one , as it is easier to see the animals and to study them when they are in a small volume of water : they can not swim so far or so fast .
5 ( 4 ) The general rule does not apply so far as a provision of the consolidating Acts gives effect to an amendment ( in pursuance of a recommendation of the Law Commission and , in some cases , the Scottish Law Commission ) .
6 ‘ A good manager and record company has to explain this will go so far and stop . ’
7 A man will go so far and then he will snap .
8 Peter would go so far and then no further , till I was bright scarlet from Guthrie 's ministrations and nothing from Peter .
9 it 'll go so far and then it just switches off
10 Even the otherwise haughty Surrey committee was moved to complain about this lack of common courtesy , though naturally they did not go so far as to suggest meals should be taken in common .
11 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
12 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
13 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
14 We can not go so far as that ; and I lay it down as fact that there never has been a real complete sceptic .
15 Even now , I would not go so far as to say it is a bad staff plan ; after all , it enables a staff of four to cover an unexpected amount of ground .
16 Indeed , I would go so far as to say that a doctor who continued treatment past this point would be behaving at least unethically , if not unlawfully .
17 Dhanraj began by stating unequivocally that she saw film-making as a tool for socio-political challenge ( she would not go so far as to say change ) and that documentary was best suited to this purpose .
18 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
19 Tape Worm : I 'm normally very polite and hardly swear , but I 'd go so far as to say that Tape Worm is one ugly ( Censored ! — Ed ) .
20 In fact , I would go so far as to say that there is almost a feeling of relief here that Clause 28 is associated with someone so widely discredited .
21 Expansion and contraction of awareness may be interdependent , so that ‘ Be aware ’ would not , for example , pronounce waking good but sleeping bad ; when exhaustion is blurring awareness one can go so far as to say ‘ You ought to go to sleep ’ , although only for the sake of waking with refreshed awareness tomorrow .
22 Some of us might go so far as to say that the Genesis account of creation is not literal history but myth in Lewis 's sense .
23 He did not go so far as to offer to guide them onward to Gilsland , by night , since that would have been to insult the Armstrongs , Jardines and Johnstones .
24 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
25 They did not go so far as to learn the language of the peoples they studied , but they did spell out for later writers the ground rules of such research .
26 But must we go so far as to say that the USSR will not resort to force unless she is certain to get away with it ?
27 Although Johnson does not go so far as to claim that the affectless society was responsible for the Moors Murders , she does feel able to argue that the general atmosphere in society at the time had ‘ infected ’ the social system , and that ‘ Brady possibly , Hindley almost certainly , have been victims of fallout ’ .
28 Lévi-Strauss has rendered social anthropology an invaluable service in emphasizing the significance of such contrasting motifs ; although we need not go so far as him and turn our subject into an esoteric animal , vegetable or mineral parlour-game in which every card is a joker and can assume whatever meaning the player likes .
29 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
30 We might even go so far as to say that amplification of deviance among one group rather than among another could simply be due to chance .
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