Example sentences of "[was/were] prepare [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They would scarcely need spies to discover that we were preparing the kind of fleet we would need to land an army across the Inner Sea .
2 If so , they were preparing the path for the closer integration of French provinces achieved in the thirteenth century .
3 In fact the women were mainly wives of Welsh and English soldiers , and some high-ranking officers wives , who were preparing an evening meal .
4 It prepared the way for the men who were to prepare the way for the Council .
5 The subdeacon 's duties were to prepare the bread and wine and the vessels for the mass and to chant the Epistle .
6 There is a story in La Scala that a very good singer once opened the door of a room where the maestro was preparing a lady for a little love-making , and he never worked for Toscanini again .
7 Thus while the EC Commission was working on its Draft Directive on products Liability the Council of Europe was preparing a Convention on the very same subject .
8 A magazine was preparing a cover story on the emergence of Jack the star and in their background investigations , which took them to Neptune in search of old chums , discovered the secret that Mud had kept from him since birth .
9 The republican Interior Ministry insisted that this was just a routine annual drill and was in no way linked to speculation in the Croatian press that the Yugoslav People 's Army ( JNA ) , in connivance with the Serbian authorities and Serb minority leaders in Croatia , was preparing a coup against Tudjman 's adminstration .
10 She spent much time in Geneva , working on behalf of the women 's disarmament committee , which was preparing a petition for disarmament prior to the Geneva disarmament conference of 1932 .
11 Next morning in Queen Charlotte 's Alley , Sarah Fleming was preparing a picnic for her brother Peter .
12 Recently in Lhasa , several women were shot and killed by the Chinese military , one teenager in her own home where she was preparing a meal .
13 A woman with two young boys round her skirts was preparing a meal , perched on a stool with a pottery bowl on her knees .
14 Glancing around , she deduced from the sounds drifting from the kitchen that Tara was preparing a meal .
15 Meanwhile , behind the scenes , the Manager was preparing a demonstration by a tram fitted with ‘ silent-wheel ’ bogies and modern control equipment .
16 Burmah , where Dutch industrial group SHV has built up a 9 per cent stake , refused to comment on rumours in New York that it was preparing a bid for American-based Quaker State Corporation which makes motor oils .
17 By the time Pink left the Embassy , worried now as to whether he was fit to drive , a Major who dealt only with Intelligence matters was preparing a report to send to Baghdad .
18 In late February the UN boundary commission was preparing a report which would reinstate the 1923 border with Kuwait , delineated by the British and accepted by the Iraqi government in an agreement with Kuwait in 1963 .
19 As has been noted , just before Labour 's defeat Gaitskell , himself , was preparing a programme based on a high degree of government intervention — a form of economic planning which had antecedents in Bevin 's earlier hopes of turning the Ministry of Labour into a major policy-making body .
20 In December 1688 the mob destroyed his laboratory , believing , as he said , that he ‘ was preparing the Devil 's Fireworks , purposely to burn the City and Whitehall ’ .
21 The announcement only fuelled speculation that he is earmarked for greater things in the Shandwick organisation , of which PRCS is now a part , or even that he was preparing the way for something completely different when his five-year golden handcuffs are released next year .
22 This reflected the Soviet fear that even as CENTO collapsed the United States was preparing the construction of new alliance structures in the Third World and working for an extension of the geographic responsibilities of NATO .
23 The speculation at Westminster last night was that Mr Kinnock was preparing the ground for a dignified exit by leaving his colleagues six months in which to mount their campaigns for a contest in the autumn .
24 Roby was worried that through linking the four Iranians to the British hostages , the Iranian government was preparing the ground for announcing that the Britons , too , were dead .
25 She gibed , and found her attention unwillingly caught by the efficient way he was preparing the ground .
26 Downstairs , inside the house , Kalchu was preparing the cockerel by plunging it into a pan of boiling water , then plucking out its feathers by the handful .
27 While Miller was preparing the Kalendar , he was told of the ‘ ungenerous intention ’ of others to use Dictionary information for the same purpose , ‘ upon which I was the more intent to have it published before such a design could be accomplished by any other hand , which was not very difficult for me to do , having a complete Diary of my own , so that I had little more to do than to transcribe my loose papers and dispose them into the method wherein they are here presented to the world . ’
28 On Aug. 9 the Israeli Justice Ministry had announced that it was preparing an amendment to the 1986 law outlawing contacts with the PLO .
29 Regnier was preparing an exhibition on the theme of Picasso 's crucifixions , for which Bacon had often expressed his profound admiration , and the ‘ Three studies for figures at the base of a Crucifixion ’ will be shown there .
30 One of the first tasks of the new Chief Engineer , Bernard Browne , was to prepare a specification for a single-deck car and to oversee its building by East Lancashire Coach Builders , using the new technology , tried and proved successful on the Jubilee class of double-deckers .
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