Example sentences of "[was/were] bear in the " in BNC.

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1 The two men were born in the same region , the Transkei , but whereas Mr Mandela was a distinguished personage of royal blood , Mr Sisulu came from an impoverished peasant family and engaged in politics as a consequence of his exposure to the daily indignities of life for blacks through his work in a dairy , a bakery , in mines and factories .
2 But three in every four Vietnamese-Americans arrived or were born in the past decade .
3 The search for the inspirational sources of Jack Nicholson the artist , and Jack Nicholson the man , takes us on a far more diverse journey than some of his contemporaries , like Robert Redford , Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman , who were born in the same year — 1937 .
4 Not a bad idea therefore to chose and use three such spanking tenors as these : all were born in the last century ; all made operatic débuts in their early 20s ; all enjoyed singing to the people as well as to operatic audiences .
5 I know , Mr Holly … you were born in the United Kingdom , you were.brought up there , you were in possession of a valid British passport when you travelled to Moscow .
6 The ‘ old old ’ , i.e. those aged 85 and over , were born in the years 1890 — 1905 .
7 However as immigration , at least from the New Commonwealth , has been restricted by various Immigration Acts , so sociological interest has shifted to the inequalities of condition and opportunity of ethnic minorities resident in Britain , many members of which were born in the country .
8 54 children aged 0–4 years who had leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma diagnosed during 1972–89 , who were born in the study area and were resident there when cancer was diagnosed .
9 Table II gives the characteristics of children who had leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma diagnosed during 1972–89 and who were born in the study area and resident there when their cancer was diagnosed .
10 It may not be a coincidence , therefore , that four of the five individuals who developed leukaemia at ages 5–24 in Thurso in the years 1979–88 were incomers — and also that four were born in the years 1969–74 , the birth cohort with the greatest proportion of incomers .
11 All three children with leukaemia at ages 0–4 within 25 km of Dounreay were born in the area .
12 My two , these two my last two girls were born in the fifties yes .
13 When was it were you born were you born You were born in the Republic of Ireland .
14 Here are some examples : they can see in the dark they can never ever tell a lie when they are with other people they know what they are thinking they are living backwards in time — they were born in the future and so instead of getting older , they get younger .
15 Popular culture , thus , and high modernism were born in the same places at about the same time .
16 Ah , right well let's say you were born in the house you live in
17 Following the question by the right hon. Member for Tweeddale , Ettrick and Lauderdale ( Sir D. Steel ) , is there not essentially a double standard when one delegation can bring whomsoever it likes to the talks , whether those people were born in the Soviet Union or the United States , and another delegation is told whom it can and whom it can not bring ?
18 In Tudor York ( 1979 ) Professor David Palliser has shown that nearly all of the 102 freemen ( 28·5 per cent ) who were born in the city claimed their freedom through their father .
19 Most of the young black people in my study use LE most of the time , even when speaking to other members of the family who were born in the Caribbean .
20 if you were born in the Mediterranean you would of been eating that stuff anyway and you 'd never have , think about it
21 You were born in the Pleck yes ?
22 If they were born in the village they could well be in the erm baptismal book in church .
23 ( b ) Somersby Tennyson was born in the Georgian rectory ( not open to the public ) in 1809 .
24 One of Gloucestershire 's most famous sons , Sir Mathew Hale , was born in the original house in 1609 — the much esteemed Lord Chief Justice of Charles II .
25 Mary Queen of Scots was born in the palace of Linlithgow on 7 or 8 December 1542 .
26 Constance was born in the area and remembers when it was still possible to buy a mop or a washing-up bowl in the local shops .
27 Charles McDonald Renfrew was born in the Kelvinside district of Glasgow on June 21 1929 .
28 The significance of the birth of Christ is not the sudden appearance of angels all over the place , but the fact that such an important person was born in the most humble surroundings — in a poor and lowly stable .
29 Joseph was born in the spring of 1840 in a cave near where Joseph Creek forks from the Grande Ronde River .
30 John Bunyan , whose statue was prominent in the town , was born in the nearby village of Elstow .
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