Example sentences of "[was/were] build in the " in BNC.

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1 The weather was changing : blue-black clouds were building in the south-east and , as Wycliffe arrived at the back of the Garlands ' shop , they obscured the sun .
2 In Scotland , stations like Aboyne and Dundee Caledonian Station were built in the distinctive Scottish baronial style .
3 Lines extended north and east along the coast , and branch lines were built in the interior to all the main plantation areas , for the cultivation of tea , after coffee had failed , developed dramatically between the 1880s and 1920s .
4 G. The tourist industry of the South West has been growing since the railways were built in the last century .
5 Many Roman villas were built in the form of a rectangle — buildings on three sides and a wall on the fourth .
6 RAILWAYS : British Rail 's problem is that most of its structures were built in the last century .
7 All told , between 1726 and 1737 250 miles [ 400 km ] of road were built in the Highlands .
8 The earliest expert systems were built in the USA as part of academic programmes investigating the application of various AI computing techniques to problem solving .
9 As Eddie detailed in his review , although the first Voxes were designed and made over here , production switched in the later '60s to Italy , where the guitars were built in the Eko factory .
10 The small number of new Elizabethan and Jacobean churches that were constructed were built in the Perpendicular style , and , in order to assert the continuity of medieval and Reformed churches , they retained the compartmentalized lay-out of the Gothic buildings .
11 The earliest Quaker meeting-houses , such as Jordans in Buckinghamshire , Colthouse in Lancashire , Skipton in Yorkshire , and Marazion in Cornwall , were built in the vernacular style of the late seventeenth century and closely resembled the farm buildings which had been used for Quaker services prior to 1688 .
12 More than 2.7 million new houses were built in the first ten years of nationalisation , and 1954 , the peak year of Macmillan 's housing drive , saw 354000 completed .
13 Both churches were built in the early twelfth century and can be approached from two directions .
14 Similarly , small plants were built in the late 1980s in the Ivory Coast and Benin .
15 Some of the worst estates are n't the oldest , they were built in the fifties rush .
16 Modules were built in the early 1980s in much the same way as they had been in the late 1960s , with little technical or organizational change .
17 Even the schools were built in the corners of crowded burial grounds , or over public sewers into which they slowly sank .
18 Blockhouses were built in the fields , and sometimes the cattle were kept in fortified compounds to protect them from raiders .
19 For example on 31 March 1991 , Chelmsford prison had a certified normal accommodation of 244 but an actual inmate population of 403 , making nearly 13,000 prisoners were sleeping two or three to a cell ( NACRO , 1991b ) — typically in prison cells which were built in the nineteenth century and designed for a single inmate .
20 Whereas as recently as 1950 half the world 's ships were built in the UK ( notably in Liverpool , Sunderland , Belfast and Glasgow ) , this role was taken by Japan ( 45.9 per cent in 1985 ) , followed by western Europe ( 21. 8 per cent ) , South Korea ( 11.5 per cent ) and the Soviet Bloc ( 10.0 per cent ) .
21 Which were built in the wagon shops .
22 In northern and central France several outstanding cathedrals were built in the thirteenth century .
23 Many fortresses and castles were built in the Middle Ages in Poland .
24 Such blocks at Ostia were built in the Imperial period and housed a number of people .
25 The temple was important in Etruscan life and temples were built in the centre of towns .
26 Even today the older houses have gables and mullioned windows which show that they were built in the seventeenth century and some of the later cottages that were erected in rows or clustered in folds during John Hey 's lifetime retain their long ranges of upstairs windows which allowed the maximum amount of light to fall on the looms .
27 The US decision will be welcomed by environmentalists concerned about the safety risks posed by several US nuclear bomb making plants , which were built in the 1950s .
28 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
29 The tunnels were built in the reign of George the third … but engineers say they 've stood up to two centuries of wear remarkably well .
30 The majority of our buildings were built in the 60s and 70s and many of these installations are coming to the end of their life , ’ said Mr Eyton-Jones .
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