Example sentences of "[was/were] of the opinion " in BNC.

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1 Thus , when Remedios the Beauty disappears , the narrative records the fact that outsiders were of the opinion that she had run off with a man and that the story of her ascent into heaven was an invention of her family to cover up the scandal .
2 Others , evidently , showed less concern for Germany or her inhabitants , but were of the opinion that the economic chaos of that country , if not halted , might spread with alarming rapidity to the world at large .
3 Many physicians from that time forward were of the opinion that nearly all the late complications of syphilis were , in fact , the result of mercury poisoning .
4 When it came up for its third reading on 21 June it was referred to a select committee who on 18 July reported that they were of the opinion that the bill ought not to be proceeded with .
5 Workers in all the groups in all the areas were of the opinion that work and the organization through which it was carried out was inevitable and little could be done to alter it .
6 The Board of Trade were of the opinion that the Corporation 's permission to lay double track was not necessary .
7 The company initially expressed doubts as to their liability to duty but were informed that the revenue were of the opinion that the duties were payable and that they would incur penalties if they did not pay .
8 Others were of the opinion that during her stint in the Wogan slot she seemed bored by some of the interviewees and asked trite questions .
9 The Local Joint Working Party were of the opinion that the duties and responsibilities of the post of Car Park Attendant ( Cowgate and Fishmarket Close ) matched with Scottish Job Outline 28 , Car Park Attendant ( Grade 1 ) .
10 Rangers initially were of the opinion that their share of the tickets for the Velodrome in Marseille was so unsatisfactory as to be more trouble than it was worth .
11 But so had Danny Maher , who now had the ride on Bachelor 's Button , and who was of the opinion that Pretty Polly did not have sufficient reserves to last home in the Gold Cup .
12 He therefore travelled through the greater part of England , observing everything , but was equally careful to inspect all ornamental and kitchen gardens , and to make himself at home and acquainted with all horticulturalists , for he was of the opinion that he could learn something useful which he did not know before at least from some of them .
13 They are well known in the Weald of Kent and Sussex and around Poole harbour ; and one land-drainage contractor was of the opinion in 1986 that in his own county , Northamptonshire , there was scarcely a parish without areas which were effectively undrainable due to ochre .
14 Detective inspector Rush from 38 , known to Henry as Neighbourhood Watch , was of the opinion that alcohol at funerals was disrespectful .
15 He was of the opinion that the Masai possessed ‘ a faculty for reasoned intelligence , a pride and a susceptibility to leadership and ideas which made them amenable to sympathetic handling ’ .
16 The EAT was of the opinion that there was no reason to distinguish an illness caused by pregnancy or childbirth from other illnesses , since although certain illnesses affect only one sex , male and female employees are equally affected by illness overall .
17 Jung was of the opinion that Freud 's greatest achievement probably ‘ consisted in taking neurotic patients seriously and entering into their peculiar individual psychology .
18 His partner thought he was panicking and was of the opinion that things would ‘ sort themselves out ’ .
19 Jim was of the opinion that the parrot ploy had some merit , mentioning a woman with one that spoke a very interesting variety of English .
20 The S.M.O. was of the opinion that this was the third , not second night , and that for twenty-four hours before he was knocked down the patch of consolidation had started forming in Bill Francis 's lung .
21 Zednik was of the opinion that his wayward ward was throwing his talent down the waste disposal unit .
22 He was of the opinion that this increase was due to unemployment and that the numbers would continue to increase .
23 In two weeks of December the number of male vagrants had risen to 371 , which included 252 ex-soldiers , and the master was of the opinion that the increase was due to the fact that many of the unemployed in London were returning to their own towns through the casual wards .
24 Aristotle was of the opinion that there would always be rich and poor within society , that their interests were naturally opposed , and that it was the business of government to persuade them to coexist , and to meet their legitimate demands .
25 Clearly Auld was of the opinion that the Tyndale incident could have been avoided if the authority had taken a wider view of its role .
26 Jean-Claude was of the opinion that all Jews were rich , part of an international conspiracy and deserving , therefore , of whatever hideous fate was in store for them .
27 She , for her part , was of the opinion that she did not object to Ivan 's insults at all .
28 The Court was of the opinion that section 133 did not apply to the activation of the suspended sentence , as it was clear that when a sentencer activated a suspended sentence he did not ‘ impose ’ the sentence for the purpose of section 133 .
29 In Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. O'Connor ( 1912 ) 223 U.S. 280 Holmes J. , delivering the judgment of the Circuit Court for the District of Colorado , was of the opinion that the illegal tax paid by the plaintiff was paid under duress .
30 It was agreed that the order should be made , but the local authority proposed a programme of rehabilitation , whereas the guardian ad litem was of the opinion that rehabilitation would not be successful and recommended that the child be placed with long term foster parents .
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