Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] to bring [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The Podkrepa Trade Union Federation remained on strike alert from July 20 , but rejected the UDF accusation that its actions were intended to bring down the government .
2 For this work she received two shillings and sixpence per week , quite a nice sum for the 1880's when farm workers were expected to bring up families on twelve shillings a week .
3 New taxes were expected to bring in TSh3,000 million ; these included rises in education charges , land rents and duty on alcohol and cigarettes .
4 Whereas land sales were expected to bring in seventy eight million pounds in the four years of nineteen eighty nine to nineteen ninety , and nineteen ninety two to ninety three , it now seems the figure will only be about thirty six million , less than half that original estimate .
5 Other actors were instructed to bring on the score .
6 He was too racked by sobs to reply , but … the warder explained that whenever the number of prisoners in jail went up , the police were asked to bring in boys to help with the chores .
7 They were asked to bring along prizes for the Tories ' Winter Ball , with the value of gifts reaching £5,000 .
8 Baker was busier than Ironside although both goalkeepers were forced to bring off vital saves .
9 We , at least , are a leaner and , I hope , a healthier organisation because of the changes we were forced to bring about in the workshop .
10 It was as if , in some unfathomable way , out of an inscrutable symmetry , these three called each other up , between the lake and the fells , and were determined to bring about one of the essential public scandals of Romantic times .
11 SeaDocs was intended to bring about the telecommunicated negotiation of bills of lading issued in connection with oil shipments .
12 Sir Oswald Mosley formed the British Union of Fascists in October 1932 as a vehicle for his program which was designed to bring about the economic renaissance of Britain .
13 Increased taxation on oil companies was expected to bring in 31,000 million francs CFA , compared with just over 4,000 million francs CFA in 1989 .
14 It was decided to bring in Leeds-based Moss International to promote and find sponsors for the 1988 pie , ‘ pie ‘ 88 ’ as it came to be known .
15 It was decided to bring about the dissolution of the greater part of this library , and the library was offered for sale by Messrs Sotheby at one of the provincial salerooms they then owned , Sotheby 's Taunton .
16 And when he he was told to bring in his car the next day and his company stock .
17 Such weaponry may have been designed principally for warfare and combat , yet the existence of wild animal bones on settlements , especially deer , points to hunting being a means of supplementing the diet ; yet what was used to bring down such game ?
18 Complications coordinator distributed the postcards that he 'd he printed and the S T V voting regulations he was requested to bring on .
19 When the cell nucleus was stained to bring out its internal structure , minute rodlike bodies were observed and were called ‘ chromosomes ’ because they absorbed the colouring so well .
20 Labour was born to bring about social justice and change .
21 Manager Alan Lockwood was forced to bring in a number of young faces and he could only look on agonisingly as they struggled against more experienced golfers in gusting winds .
22 Richmondshire District Council said it was forced to bring in charges if money was to be found to maintain existing car parks and create new ones .
23 Yesterday , cuddling three-month-old Jennifer at her home in Bedford , she told how the passionate affair began — and how she was left to bring up her daughter on her own .
24 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
25 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
26 She was left to bring up a family she had to go the banks for money the banks were all and they refused her money to keep the farm going .
27 ‘ We 're supposed to have this national reserve , but I was determined to bring back ‘ Land of Hope and Glory ’ , ’ he said .
28 Intriguingly last year Meadows was contracted to bring out a works manual on BS5750 , the British Standard for consistent total quality care : ‘ I had to read up all I know and produce a manual from that in six months . ’
29 He was also involved in the briefing of a Commando landing on a Normandy beach which was sent to bring back cores of the beach material .
30 This year , a huge worldwide advertising campaign was launched to bring back the lost visitors , to a ‘ new , kinder , more ethnically integrated ’ country .
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