Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] known to " in BNC.

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1 Because of the prevailing financial circumstances , the DES did not officially publish the Report until the end of 1977 , though inevitably its contents were widely known to interested parties by then .
2 The Action Committee office bearers were confident that the characters of those adults accused , and those of their children , as well as the sort of events that could and did occur in their community , were better known to them than to Orkney 's Social Work Department .
3 This " dark figure " is unknowable , but there is a clear enough indication that organisations of a type which would later become familiar as " trade unions " but were better known to their own time as workers ' " combinations " were well established and widespread among skilled workers in the eighteenth century .
4 is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which would if it were generally known to them be likely to materially affect the price of those securities .
5 ‘ Unpublished price sensitive information ’ is information which relates to specific matters relating to or of concern ( directly or indirectly ) to that company , that is to say it is not of a general nature relating to or of concern to that company and is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which if it were generally known to them would be likely to affect the price of those securities .
6 An account of anaphoric processing based on the idea that there are two broad classes of anaphoric expression was suggested by Sag and Hankamer ( 1984 ) , whose ideas were already known to , and tentatively endorsed by , Johnson-Laird ( 1983 ) in his most complete account of the mental models framework .
7 The two women closest in the world to Charles were already known to be the Queen and Camilla , whom Charles had readily confirmed was a trusted friend .
8 In the famous Middletown studies made by Robert and Helen Lynd the Lynds lived for a time in Muncie , Indiana , but were always known to be researchers .
9 The next three moves were also known to theory , but Speelman fell into a trap with his 17th move .
10 Validation before linking showed that 92% of fatal cancers known to the clinic were also known to the registry .
11 Patients 302 and 303 died from myocardial infarctions but were also known to be affected with polyps found on screening in their late 30s andboth having later bowel resections .
12 If anything , it was rather suspicious that the first assay should produce an answer so apt ; the prognostics of bishops were often known to be ambiguous in the extreme .
13 The official figures showed the party membership to be around 650,000 ; the real figures were well known to be far below that number , possibly below 300,000 , with an undue proportion being middle-class activists who had taken over old and decaying working-class parties or management committees .
14 Although the inland wonders of the North American continent were well known to hunters and fishermen , it was the railroad which brought areas of the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada within reach of people of more moderate means .
15 The main features were well known to most travellers , but Green wanted them to discover the lesser known tarns , valleys and fells of his beloved Lake District .
16 The six people at a corner table were well known to the proprietor , who saw them regularly in the winter months .
17 The words used in the Act of Settlement , ‘ and the heirs of her body ’ were well known to the common law and had a definite meaning .
18 Earlier , in a small , strongly aristocratic society , where all those likely to resort to legal process were well known to their fellows , reliance on verbal contract before witnesses had proved a sound policy , allowing for future elasticity of interpretation within clearly-defined limits .
19 Conditions at sea were well known to be squalid and comfortless , wages beggarly , food too often no more than salt beef and weevilly biscuit , while officers were often no more than petty tyrants .
20 All sorts of additional class niceties were well known to travellers , even if they were not hallowed by signposts .
21 Their needs were well known to her .
22 Refractory pouchitis — We selected 24 cases that were well known to their gastroenterologists and that fit the clinical , endoscopical , and pathological criteria for RP as adopted at an International Workshop on Pouchitis in London in January 1989 , including clinical symptoms ( bloody diarrhoea , malaise , or weight loss , or all three ) ; resistance to treatment with antibiotics and steroids ; and endoscopical features ( serpiginous ulcerations , cobblestone mucosa , or ileitis proximal to the reservoir , or all three ) .
23 Anna 's relations with Vronsky , however , were well known to everybody around them .
24 Eighty-nine per cent of men and 84 per cent of women were previously known to the psychiatric services , indicating longstanding problems .
25 In 1985 the management of Somerset Probation Service was faced with the fact that nearly one in three of the offenders supervised in their area were either known to be or suspected of misusing alcohol ( Singer , 1985 ) .
26 Its purpose was to provide art historians with examples of antique sculpture that were definitely known to Renaissance artists such as Donatello and Ghiberti and influenced their work .
27 The Special Air Service Regiment — or S.A.S. , as it soon came to be called — was at this time an established part of the Army Air Corps , though it was little known to the public at large .
28 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
29 The latter action was exclusively unofficial , and repudiated by the union , but it was widely known to be organised in secret by a small group of shop stewards .
30 In 1858 Wallace ( who had also read Malthus ) hit upon the idea of natural selection and wrote up an account , which he sent to Darwin , who was widely known to be interested in the species question .
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