Example sentences of "[is] thought that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's thought that six-month-old Hannah Davies was dropped on her head by a three-year-old boy , though the inquest jury returned an open verdict because of conflicting evidence .
2 A search of the area is still going on , but it 's thought that all 99 passengers and fourteen crew were killed .
3 It is thought that therapeutic operations provide such a social benefit by the psychological benefit .
4 It is thought that similar but even larger black holes , with masses of about a hundred million times the mass of the sun , occur at the centers of quasars .
5 It is now known that many plants grow at temperatures as low as 0°C , albeit slowly , and it is thought that higher temperatures are more important in the earlier half of the year .
6 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
7 The significance of this observation is still unknown , but it is thought that such larvae may resume development if the adult hookworm population is removed by an anthelmintic or at times of stress such as lactation .
8 It is thought that 16 months should provide sufficient time for new pension arrangements to be set up , but if difficulties arose the powers in clause 12 would be available to the Secretary of State .
9 It is thought that two young were raised .
10 The incident took place at around 4.30 on Thursday afternoon , and it is thought that one of the men could be middle aged and the other younger .
11 After Seymour it is thought that all of these accused would be guilty of reckless manslaughter .
12 It is thought that that will be the result if enough factors are taken into account .
13 However , it is thought that that can cause imperfections in the glass which sometimes cause it to explode without warning .
14 It is thought that many of the jury became wealthy men , through bribes by both Blount and Dudley , so that they arrived at the same conclusion — a conclusion that ‘ After a searching enquiry , they could find no presumption of evil doing . ’
15 There is very little known abut the carvers of medieval bench ends but it is thought that most of them were ordinary local craftsmen , and so there would have been no reason to record this fact .
16 It is thought that British Midland considered the City Airport some time ago , but decided against moving in at that stage .
17 A second objective of the research is to explore the way that managerial policies are being developed between HQ , divisional management , profit and cost centre management and at the establishment and work-place levels at a time when it is thought that large companies are decentralising their management systems .
18 It is thought that high sugar intakes and low chromium levels predispose to hardening of the arteries and raised cholesterol levels later in life .
19 It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way .
20 In the longer term , spectrum has been identified in the band 4.4GHz to 5.03GHz and it is thought that military tactical requirements and outside broadcast and news gathering applications ‘ could be compatible in such situations ’ .
21 Examples of jackets faced in this way do survive , badged to Militia and Volunteer units ; but it is thought that few , if any , Regular officers acquired them .
22 The genus appeared suddenly in the Atlantic at the end of the Pliocene without any local antecedent forms , and it is thought that transarctic migrations of several Pacific genera , including Buccinunl and Searlesja as well as Nucella , occurred through the Bering Strait , between a half and one million years before the onset of the first of the Pleistocene glaciations ( Franz and Merrill , 1980 ) .
23 It is thought that high-mass X-ray binaries accrete primarily from a stellar wind escaping from the companion star whereas LMXBs accrete by means of Roche-lobe overflow into a disc ; a viable hypothesis is that QPOs are a generic feature of disc accretion , regardless of the precise nature of the compact object .
24 Their lenses are much thicker and it is thought that these species lived where there was little light and needed thick lenses to collect and concentrate what light there was .
25 It is thought that these cases were brought more for publicity , to force the health authority to act , than in the hope of legal success .
26 It is thought that those who occupied the Malvern hill forts may have herded their cattle down the Worcestershire drove-ways to pasture them on Longdon Marsh in the summers before the Roman conquest .
27 The Office for Fine Arts has not made definite plans about the procedure to be followed but it is thought that those institutions which already have some of the works of art on loan will be allowed to keep them , while the museums will be able to choose from what is left .
28 It is thought that sudden exposure to intense sunlight is a trigger to melanoma , and young office workers are typical victims .
29 These awful conditions naturally made it quite impossible to tell what was happening actually on Krakatoa , but it is thought that some milder explosive activity continued .
30 Controlled by a single gene , the deficiency is usually harmless , but certain drugs for malaria or a type of bean can cause those without the proper gene to suffer acute anaemia , and it is thought that some chemical might do the same .
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