Example sentences of "[is] held [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
2 Festivals in his honour are marked by a plethora of flowers , and the lusciously scented frangipani is held sacred to him .
3 One is that if the coordinate r is held fixed for any length of time the interval is negative and space-like .
4 The other plate is held fixed at a distance d .
5 This is accomplished by allowing the run from D1 to D10 to occur while pin 13 of IC2 , the clock enable pin , is held low by way of resistor R9 .
6 A manager who is held accountable for aspects of performance which he has no power or authority to control is in an impossible position .
7 If the CEO or the manager of the group is held accountable for outcomes , then in the final analysis , he or she will have to agree with group decisions or have the authority to block them , which means that the group never really had decision-making power to begin with .
8 In a liberal democracy government is held accountable to citizens by means of regular free elections , in which citizens choose between competing parties of politicians .
9 ‘ The third defendant denies the plaintiffs ' claim against him but if contrary to his contentions he is held liable to the plaintiffs , he claims against you to be indemnified against the plaintiffs ' claims and the costs of this action , alternatively contribution to such extent of the plaintiffs ' claims as the court may think fit , on the grounds that ( 1 ) at all material times , you were the accountants retained by and advising the plaintiffs and each of them in respect of the proposed transaction ( and in particular the financial aspects thereof ) in relation to which the said alleged liability of the plaintiffs and each of them to [ B.M.T. ] was incurred ; ( 2 ) in about the period from January to September 1983 , you acted in breach of contract and negligently towards the plaintiffs and each of them in that you failed to advise them properly or at all with regard to the said proposed transaction and the financial aspects thereof and in particular failed to explain the full nature and extent thereof to the plaintiffs and each of them and/or failed to advise the plaintiffs as to the commercial prudence of the same and/or the risks inherent in proceeding with the same and/or failed to warn them not to enter into the same ; ( 3 ) that in so far as any financial information was or may have been communicated by the third defendant he did so in reliance upon information supplied by you .
10 In some cases of ‘ disappearance ’ the whole family is held responsible for the ‘ crime ’ of one of its members .
11 In practice a contestant is held responsible for the behaviour of team-members and the coach , and he may face a severe penalty if they misbehave .
12 Reference is constantly made to the president 's budget and the chief executive is held responsible for the consequences of budgetary policy , especially by members of the opposition party in Congress .
13 But this same culture and family system is held responsible for a widespread pathology supposedly afflicting ‘ Asian ’ girls and thus also their education : the malaise of being ‘ caught between two cultures ’ , an ‘ identity crisis ’ , a form of individual splitting between two essentialized cultural forms , ‘ Asian ’ and ‘ British/Western ’ .
14 The high prison population is held responsible for overcrowding and understaffing in prisons , both of which exacerbate the bad conditions in England 's ageing prisons .
15 Each student is held responsible for registering his or her own module programme .
16 The pistol shrimp has a special claw which is held open at the hinge by two discs bound by suction .
17 In poetry , as in life , Layton is held captive to his own Muse , no subject being too sacred nor too delicate especially the previously ‘ taboo ’ ones of violence , cruelty , politics and sex .
18 A pianist plays here several nights a week and from 15 June to 15 September a discotheque is held weekly near the swimming pool .
19 Thus the relationship between the general level of prices and aggregate output when the expected price level is held constant at P — the short-run aggregate supply curve — can be depicted as an upward-sloping line which cuts the vertical line from y n at price level P .
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