Example sentences of "[vb infin] buy [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'ud do to buy us a few drinks with , Sam , ’ a woman called from the far end of the smoke-blackened room .
2 How would you like to buy me a black cashmere sweater ?
3 Plus Thomas 's wedding an'all and I 'd like to buy him a decent present like considering His flat 's nice .
4 ‘ Not necessarily , ’ she demurred , ‘ but she was kind , and I thought I would like to buy her a wedding present — and because you kindly took me in when you did n't want to , ’ she tacked on softly .
5 Perhaps you 'd like to buy us a drink … ’
6 I 'm telling you all this , and perhaps you do n't have to erm pay for any of these treatments we do gift vouchers , so if you 've got anybody who wants to buy you a gift of any sort , you could always say well , I fancy erm an eyebrow trim , or I fancy a pedicure perhaps they would like to buy you a gift voucher and then you can come in and it could be a present for you .
7 so er we must remember to buy him a card and something
8 I do n't remember buying her the jumper !
9 He said , ‘ You 're gon na have to buy me a drink . ’
10 You got to have a chauffeur , you 'll have to buy me a hat you 'll have to buy me a hat you 'll have to make it worth me while coming off dole at forty pound a week .
11 You got to have a chauffeur , you 'll have to buy me a hat you 'll have to buy me a hat you 'll have to make it worth me while coming off dole at forty pound a week .
12 So I think you 'll have to buy me a new one .
13 I 'll have to buy him a drink .
14 And she 'd have bought me a practice .
15 You should have bought me a man , and not a threadbare purse . ’
16 Melanie thought that at least Uncle Philip could have bought her a sewing machine , so she need not have to stitch the long seams by hand .
17 Well if you 've do , If I 'd known I 'd have bought you a , a clamp over for you
18 This is the shop that your friends and relations will go to buy you a present .
19 This could then go to buy you a bigger pension , or a death benefit , or an earlier retirement date .
20 And er but of course they could n't afford to buy me a piano to learn on so
21 What is more , you are not permitted to marry , and you know it ; yet you let me spend money I could not afford to buy you a ring .
22 " Becky , I heard your mother tell you over and over she ca n't afford to buy you a bike .
23 Just a minute darling it 's alright I can afford to buy you a packet of Polos .
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