Example sentences of "[vb infin] a hard [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't buy a hard bed in the mistaken belief that it is good for you .
2 I , I have occasionally th just of sort of had a feeling I think I 'll do a hard boot this time .
3 In general , do n't do a hard run on either of the two preceding days or the day after a race .
4 Flattery conceals greed , and marriage will bring a hard realization to women who readily believe the compliments of their suitors or , indeed , their promises of fidelity .
5 This will give a hard mortar , resistant to absorption of water .
6 Talks between Strathclyde and ScotRail are continuing , but if they fail , the region 's moratorium on spending could become a hard freeze , Charles Gordon , the region 's depute chairman of highways and transport , said .
7 Apart from the fact that this ignores the possibility that shareholders may have other objectives in investing ( such as opposing investment in countries practising apartheid , or opposing the manufacture of armaments or cigarettes , etc. ) the profit-maximization norm does not provide a hard guideline as to how directors should exercise their discretion .
8 You ca n't draw a hard line between international and national politics not these days .
9 The great constructive developments of this period were missionary ( and one can never draw a hard distinction between internal and external missionizing ) , liturgical , monastic , and political .
10 so the scumites may face a hard task down in Ankara ( ? ) — lets hope this leads to the kind of league form for Scum that we had after crashing out of Europe last year ; - ) YES !
11 It is time for certain philosophers to come and take a hard look at the data which we have collected before they dismiss our models and our philosophical assumptions so glibly .
12 Or should they take a hard look at themselves , try to learn something from what had happened , make the necessary changes and hope to attract more lesbians ?
13 The recession has made it take a hard look at the cost of law and at the attitude of big London firms that it 's used for more than fifty years .
14 ‘ Cameron always did take a hard line on these things , ’ she tells her .
15 The article went on to say that staff employed in the tourist industry were getting a raw deal , and that the government should take a hard line and introduce new legislation on taxation for the hotel industry .
16 Because she did have a hard life .
17 My hon. Friend 's successor will have a hard act to follow : the diligence and commitment that my hon. Friend has given to his constituents have been exemplary .
18 In case we do have a hard winter however , it might be worth potting up a few and over-wintering them , if you have n't already saved some of last year 's generously produced and well-ripened seed .
19 ‘ He made a mistake at the top of the hill in the Gold Cup , ’ Gaselee said , ‘ but you can take it from me , he did n't have a hard race .
20 However , I think booksellers should have a hard look at what is being done at Christmas to promote books . ’
21 I can only say that on the evidence of Tesco 's cheapest , the rest will have a hard job keeping up .
22 ‘ If I could n't read and write , mam , I 'd have a hard job running my boot and shoe round , would n't I ? ’
23 I grinned , thinking Mr Gibbon would have a hard job finding a convincing embellishment for Ash 's uncommon monicker .
24 ‘ I think I 'd have a hard job trying to find the sort of excitement you 're referring to here , around Loch Lomond . ’
25 But the Chancellor may have a hard time explaining why the pound has to shadow the Deutschmark .
26 COMEDY-thrillers could have a hard time without small black books that disappear containing the clue to mysterious fortunes .
27 Some officials have spoken of getting NATO to spread its wings , though they might have a hard time persuading the Canadians and Europeans of that .
28 They 'd have a hard time proving that , I think , if they were interested in proof ; which I 'm not sure they are .
29 The innovation of Private Eye ensured that deference , if not quite dead , would henceforth have a hard time .
30 1992 , 28 , 46 ) will have a hard time in industry .
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