Example sentences of "[vb infin] a considerable [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to successfully write assembler language programs for the Z88 you will need a considerable amount of technical information about the machine .
2 If you wish to write more than the simplest assembler code programs for the Z88 , you will need a considerable amount of technical information about the machine .
3 ‘ You 'll need a considerable sum yet to complete this project .
4 Here the amount of uplift computed from the reflectance values may include a considerable fraction which can be attributed to removal of Carboniferous overburden in Hercynian times .
5 By then , however , it was clear no matter how much the fact was denied by the conservative group that the schema would demonstrate a considerable development in the Church 's teaching on marriage .
6 As the expectations of price improve , an increased part of the production will yield a considerable surplus above prime costs , and the margin of production will be pushed outwards .
7 Nor does it mean that failure to achieve total abstinence from all potentially mood-altering substances and behaviours means that one can not achieve a considerable measure of recovery .
8 For example , scales a tritone or a semitone apart have only two notes in common ; all other notes are different , and so one can expect a considerable degree of conflict unless ( as in the Bartók example ) adequate vertical consonance can be maintained .
9 However , both types of ‘ Internal Market ’ would generate a considerable amount of activity in billing , payment and verification which , even in the computer age , would require vastly increased numbers of administrative and clerical staff .
10 Yet this did not prevent a considerable proportion of headships of French missions going to outsiders — senators , prefects , colonial governors , soldiers ( again notably in the case of appointments to St Petersburg ) and even journalists .
11 Though we agree that a failure to understand normal preputial physiology has led to an unacceptably high rate of circumcision , even the strictest criteria will not prevent a considerable number of these procedures from being performed .
12 Individuals and pressure groups can exert a considerable influence on government and have indeed done so very effectively in relation to many aspects of the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
13 And if this er component were reduced then this would er give a considerable saving in a collective dose .
14 Scene six is , as I have already suggested , the pivotal scene for Anderson — the point from which we can see a considerable change wrought in his character .
15 Rival small company market(s) could develop along the above lines and would provide a considerable degree of competition to the ISE .
16 In each case , the tension between the near-monopoly powers of the industry and the needs of consumers for better service and more competitive pricing will provide a considerable challenge .
17 The CORINE GIS is still under development , and problems of data checking and verification will occupy a considerable amount of time before the GIS will be capable of producing reliable information .
18 The professor will normally be allowed to retain his full stipend during any term of sabbatical leave provided that ( a ) he will spend a considerable part of his leave in advanced study or research ; ( b ) he will give up all teaching and administrative duties in Oxford other than examining and graduate supervision ; ( c ) if after taking account of any loss of normal sources of income and any gain of income from new sources ( less any additional expenses associated with new activities ) , he is in a better financial position than if he had not taken leave , he will forgo from his stipend such sum as will leave him in approximately the same financial state as if he had not taken leave .
19 For example , a pupil who is mastering literacy and numeracy with few difficulties will spend a considerable amount of time in the ordinary classroom , but another may need a good deal of specialised help and be at a stage of going to only one or two lessons daily in the fully integrated situation .
20 Given philosophy 's interest in the foundations of human knowledge it is not surprising that it should spend a considerable amount of its concern with science , the form of human knowledge which has achieved so much .
21 Although now Friday night , he will spend a considerable amount of time sorting the samples and equipment for his Northern trip next week .
22 Today , several men would spend a considerable time erecting steel scaffolding before such a job would be attempted .
23 They could therefore spend a considerable period of time in the towers , in full uniform , in temperatures of anything up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit , or more .
24 Yet there would undoubtedly remain a considerable amount of discretion , both for judges and juries applying the law , if the words ‘ sufficient to reduce the offence from murder to manslaughter ’ were retained , and at the sentencing stage , in response to the particular combination of factors in each case .
25 Although the sum will make a considerable dent in Philips ' net debt , it does n't get the company out of the woods altogether — total borrowings are $8,500m .
26 Even without a Commons majority , Labour 's Jack Straw could make a considerable mark .
27 But to answer it , I must make a considerable digression , to say something about how we get such beliefs by observation .
28 Since a rise in interest rates can cause quite a severe fall in the price of bonds , banks could make a considerable capital loss if they were forced to sell them at such times .
29 A simple grab rail placed in the correct place can make a considerable difference to how you cope , especially with the bath or toilet .
30 Perhaps the alteration appears slight , no more than cosmetic , but it would make a considerable difference to defensive attitudes , especially in Britain , without undermining the spirit of the offside law .
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