Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] the various " in BNC.

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1 In this regard it can be seen that in order for the catechesis to work effectively the various members of the group have to work as a team — the L.C. is responsible for presenting the symbol well ; having a good story that echoes the goal clearly ; and providing the opportunity for EACH person to share their story .
2 In an introductory discussion of the kind undertaken in this chapter it is simply not possible to discuss comprehensively the various forms , spheres and agencies of racism that operate in British society , for example , those deriving from the state 's implementation of increasingly tighter immigration controls as well as nationality legislation , or We activities of some sections of the police ( Dummett , 1982 ; Gordon and Klug , 1985 ; Benyon , 1986 ) .
3 ‘ The aim is to draw together the various industry bodies so we can discuss issues of common interest .
4 The free volume concept has been touched on in previous sections but it is instructive now to consider this idea more closely and to draw together the various points alluded to earlier .
5 The thing that saddens me is that we 're supposed to have a T U C , that organization is supposed to draw together the various trade unions and what are we seeing , an ideal opportunity slipped from our grasp when the miners were facing the issue of jobs to public service workers should have linked up with the miners and we should have took the government on
6 The techniques of field work in local history and geography , the techniques of using books , reference guides and libraries , the ability to " read " pictures and to assess critically film and television material , as well as to use creatively the various facilities and pieces of equipment that now exist , are valuable facets of the educated individual , and each type of activity offers a possible key to individual confidence and interest in learning .
7 The megalithic monuments can therefore be regarded in part as religious structures , in part as astronomical observatories , and in part as clocks , allowing our ancestors to record precisely the various cyclical changes of the celestial bodies .
8 All cities have different records in this respect and they all merit individual research if we are to piece together the various aspects of post-war urban development ( Manchester 's Moss-side development was different from Sheffield 's Park Hill estate of ‘ streets in the sky ’ , and different again from Newcastle 's development at Byker , with its famous ‘ wall ’ ) .
9 Various experiments were performed to verify that the imaging technique would give consistent results and to understand better the various parameter values ( illumination , exposure , the structure of the subjects to be measured ) affecting the measurement .
10 Several authors have attempted to describe mathematically the various types of vegetative plant canopy .
11 To put such an effort into perspective , it is necessary first to investigate cross-culturally the various different conceptions of ‘ objectivity ’ and different means of attaining it .
12 Next we had to locate accurately the various islands and rocks all around us to pinpoint the changes in our course .
13 Because of this , it is hard to take seriously the various interpretations of linguistic sex-marking which are based upon the notion of prestige .
14 We will set up a Welsh Economic Council to bring together the various bodies with interests in inward investment , tourism and small business to advise the Secretary of State .
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