Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] police [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was rather late back , when I got back I heard a knock on my bedroom door and she said it 's Miss and er I said , oh come in , I undid the door and she came in and er and so she said to me er , I just had a telephone message from Peel er to say that you have been subpoenaed to go the Police Court next Thursday and I said what a day out of my holiday and she said , well I 'm sorry but you 'll have to go .
2 Compare , for example : ( 16a ) I was glad to see the police car come around the corner .
3 Asked by Anderson 's solicitor , Liam McNally , about the nature of the evidence to connect the police officer replied : ‘ It is circumstantial evidence and there is ongoing forensic examination of various items .
4 The Board has decided to change the rules to require duty solicitors to attend the police station where a suspect is to be questioned about an arrestable offence , when an identity parade is to be held , or the suspect complains of serious maltreatment by the police ; unless the solicitor can show exceptional circumstances justifying non-attendance .
5 and he always provided a very smart car , and the first policeman to drive the police car was his own chauffeur , who left him and joined the police force .
6 Volleys of tear-gas shells were fired and an estimated 2,000 petrol bombs thrown throughout the day as the protesters attempted to breach the police lines .
7 Miss Williams took him to meet the police Land Rover at the stable gate , a bone-thin , wiry woman in her late fifties , her expression sufficiently forbidding to prevent the parents , edging cars through the gate to collect children from the ten o'clock ride , from asking any questions .
8 She will therefore have to meet the police expenses in the case , estimated at between £15,000 and £20,000 .
9 As home secretary , he had psyched himself up to batter the police unions and the chief constables , but on penal policy he was pushed to find anything in the agenda of Tony Blair , his Labour counterpart , to quarrel with .
10 In practice the onus is on the plaintiff to obtain the police report and it should be borne in mind that the police destroy such reports as a matter of course after a relatively short period .
11 Miss Menzies suddenly stood up , looked him straight in the eyes and said , ‘ Do you know it 's a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer ? ’
12 It is however appreciated that it can be difficult to obtain a Police report in some foreign countries .
13 One of the first duties undertaken by Kajiyama was to observe a police operation in one of Tokyo 's most notorious areas of prostitution , on Sept. 20 , which resulted in the arrest of 45 foreign women who were accused of working as prostitutes .
14 What had led Massingham to choose the police service instead of his family 's usual career of the Army as an outlet for his natural combativeness and unfashionable patriotism Dalgliesh had not enquired , partly because he was a respecter of other men 's privacy , and partly because he was n't sure that he wanted to hear the answer .
15 There 's even a queue to stroke the police horse .
16 President Collor , in a nationwide television broadcast on May 26 , announced that he had ordered the Justice and Economy Ministers to open a police inquiry to reveal the full truth and examine the " false and foolish " allegations against him .
17 The system was not intended to supersede the police role of headmen , but to complement and support it .
18 Hanger has threated to kill a police officer .
19 A court 's heard how a gang of armed robbers tried to kill a police inspector by opening fire with shotguns during a high-speed chase .
20 And you only have to see a police uniform through the door to feel racked with guilt , even though you 've done nothing wrong and he 's only looking for a lost cat .
21 Despite the overwhelming prosecution evidence , the defence dwelt upon King 's behaviour prior to the arrest — he was intoxicated and had failed to comply with police attempts to stop his speeding car — and sought to cast the police officers as a part of a " thin blue line " standing between law-abiding citizens and the " jungle " .
22 She had n't thought twice about trying to mace the police sergeant earlier .
23 Tavett grew annoyed when he realized she had already discussed it with the other two the previous evening as soon as she had been allowed to leave the police station .
24 And we all know , that if you put the police into the er , budget next year , in at a low level , that is the level which the Government will assume this county council thinks is correct to fund the police force .
25 He declined to give the police information about who supplied the drugs concerned .
26 The section is intended to give the police power to impose conditions on ‘ coercive ’ marches which will not necessarily give rise to disorder ; a National Front march through a predominantly Asian district may well prompt many of the citizens simply to board up their properties and remain indoors .
27 ‘ We do n't of course need to duplicate the police enquiries about Mrs …
28 There was , he believed , no route from a world of warring states to genuine peace except via the imposition of the rule of law in international affairs : ‘ a stable peace requires all disinterested nations to form a police force in any quarrel .
29 The problem in West Yorkshire is that it costs more there to put a police man on the beat , and the authority spends more per head of the population .
30 Paramount supremo Frank Mancuso received death threats as he voiced plans to do a Police Academy -style Star Trek .
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