Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] same thing " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Still , I have seven mediums who appear to see the same thing , with variations , of course — seven people will always see an event differently .
2 I would like to see the same thing happen to them . ’
3 It 's easy to see the same thing happening today ; when the United States troops went to Somalia , earlier this year , their officers had hardly anything to do with the local experts , preferring to stick with their prejudices about the lack of intelligence of those whose skins were not the same colour as their own .
4 Oh well , if she was unwise enough to come to tea , Gina was unlikely to try the same thing again .
5 He raised his whisky right in front of the Apache , as if daring the Apache to try the same thing on him .
6 Below- the-line activity in the US now takes 60 per cent of marketers ' expenditure , and it would be foolish to exclude the same thing happening here .
7 Then the trouble would disappear and Robyn would heave a sigh of relief and smile at her luck , only to find the same thing happening a couple of miles down the road , and always after she 'd passed a garage or a phone box .
8 The same principle , looked at from its negative side , may be thus stated : There is no person or body of persons who can , under the English constitution , make rules which override or derogate from an Act of Parliament , or which ( to express the same thing in other words ) will be enforced by the courts in contravention of an Act of Parliament .
9 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
10 To avoid the same thing happening to her other horse , Vivian is using specialists company MMB Farmkey from Banbury .
11 These creditors will be determined not to let the same thing happen to Pan Am .
12 I stuck it for about a year and then moved on to another , slightly better hotel to do the same thing for marginally more money .
13 I hate it when people cry , cos it makes me want to do the same thing .
14 The Czechoslovak voucher scheme , which will apportion shares in state enterprises to the general public , was received with scepticism by the Poles ( who want to do the same thing a different way ) and with disdain by the Hungarians ( who think state enterprises should simply be sold ) .
15 I stayed up late to clear things up , and got up early to do the same thing .
16 However , industry is not required to do the same thing .
17 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
18 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
19 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
20 But I am so fond of the people in A Wreath of Roses and have so lately re-read it , that I am perhaps tiresomely asking you to do the same thing again .
21 ‘ America is so big that bands are n't surrounded by other bands trying to do the same thing .
22 I 've really had to work hard to get where I got to and when I fight a black guy , I know that he 's had to do the same thing , I think : ‘ Well , he 's had it as hard as me ’ and little zest goes out of your punching , I just want to beat him on points .
23 In these circumstances I thought it would better serve the interests of air safety generally if a properly appointed accredited representative had the right to do the same thing .
24 Rupert Murdoch decided to do the same thing with The Times .
25 HP would know something about the exercise since it 's trying to do the same thing and the best it 's been able to come up with is the diskless 16Mb 715/33 for $5,700 or 525Mb 715/33 for $7,400 .
26 Such a taboo breaker is dangerous to the rest of the members of the society because they have strong unconscious desires to do the same thing .
27 This is a bad mistake , as her ex- husband used to do the same thing for real often enough .
28 They , indeed , were the first animals to master flight and they did so some two hundred million years before birds managed to do the same thing .
29 Last night , Sam had tried to manipulate Clare , and now her grandmother was trying to do the same thing on his behalf .
30 As for advising someone else who might want to do the same thing as myself , I do n't know what to say .
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