Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] himself the " in BNC.

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1 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
2 He will then be able to see for himself the resignation , if not quiet contempt , with which his customers regard the service for which he and his managers must hold themselves fully accountable .
3 Barratt had been up to Tilberthwaite to see for himself the likely value of Knott 's sett on the Muncaster estate land there and he considered it to be a worthwhile proposition having seen , as he put it , " good bunches of ore under water " .
4 Will my hon. Friend therefore give me an undertaking that he will visit Dartford early in the new year , or on Christmas day if need be , to see for himself the damage that has been done to our river and how much has been lost ?
5 They also demanded that President Guillermo Endara Gallimany , 56 , make a personal visit to the old part of the city to see for himself the severe level of poverty the population was being forced to endure .
6 The jury , sitting in court 4 at Bristol , were sent home early by Judge Overend , so that he could drive to the bridge to see for himself the spot at which the accident happened .
7 Mr Fallon arranged the meeting after visiting Darlington to hear for himself the problems landlords had .
8 ‘ Will I ? ’ asked Pascoe , trying to conceal from himself the effort he had to make to keep up with Dalziel down the corridor .
9 Sometimes he even managed to keep for himself the little piece of cotton-wool that she soaked in perfume so that he could rub the henna stains from her skin .
10 He never doubts that it is possible or desirable for the critic to recreate in himself the mental condition of the author ; he only recognizes that it is difficult .
11 He had decided to investigate for himself the question of his mother 's land investments in Texas , the holdings her Wall Street advisers seemed so anxious she should sell — so anxious that Edouard was a little suspicious .
12 Such control was obviously necessary if he were to develop within himself the capacity to enjoy the vastly increased range of pleasures that could be derived from his expanding emotions .
13 Gandhi himself claimed that his purpose in fasting was to take upon himself the burden of the workers ; he was identifying himself with them and sharing their despair , frustration and suffering .
14 cf. the Burial Service in The Book of Common Prayer : ‘ Forasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God … to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed …
15 For when God freely wills to take on Himself the world 's suffering , He does so in order to absorb it , to transform it and to overcome it by the positive power of His eternal and unchanging love .
16 Moreover , he intended to take on himself the national leadership of the party thus created , which would be called Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista ( FET y de las JONS ) .
17 There were some , like Henry Armstrong at the end of the century , who urged a ‘ heuristic ’ method of teaching in which the pupil would be helped to make for himself the discoveries of Newton , Lavoisier and Faraday .
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