Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [det] circumstance " in BNC.

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1 It is usual to provide for such circumstances by permitting expulsion where a partner , through ill health etc , is prevented from performing his obligations to the firm .
2 The response was one of total bemusement , with the director concerned unable to conceive of any circumstances in which linguistic talent might have any bearing on sales prospects or the acquiring of contracts .
3 Then , provided you have supported its body adequately , it will not try to struggle under these circumstances .
4 But perhaps my compulsion to write in these circumstances is as strong as yours !
5 Those of my constituents who are members of the police force — both uniformed and civilian — and those in the constituencies of my hon. Friends are absolute saints to continue to work in such circumstances with bravery , courage , commitment and cheerfulness .
6 The emotional contribution is difficult to evaluate in any circumstances .
7 However , it is acknowledged that caretakers and cleaning staff , among others , need to function in these circumstances and managers must keep such situations under review .
8 Doctors and lawyers say they want a change in the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act , claiming it was never intended to apply in these circumstances .
9 Although the chief focus of this chapter is the ‘ house ’ and ‘ home ’ , it should also be kept in mind that this can be extended to apply to any circumstances or environment to which a woman gives structure and form .
10 To contend under these circumstances that Jesus was a feminist , or that he spoke out for women , must imply a very low estimate of what being a feminist ( or speaking out for women ) might mean .
11 By being excluded in this way , it should soon learn to become more receptive when told to sit under these circumstances .
12 A substantial shareholder means any person who is or was within the preceding year a holder of 10 per cent or more of the nominal value of any class of capital of the vendor or any other company within its group , including subsidiaries of its ultimate holding company having rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of the relevant company .
13 It was such a difficult thing to do in those circumstances .
14 There was only one thing to do in these circumstances — make a quick , right-angled turn down the next convenient track .
15 From the point of view of more or less militant pressure groups , there are real problems as to what to do in these circumstances .
16 In the meantime , Yggdrasil would do what it always had to do in these circumstances .
17 The laws governing politics , says Morgenthau , have not changed through the years , and they enable the Realist to ascertain the rational thing for a national leader to do in any circumstances .
18 A prospective purchaser would presumably be hesitant to proceed in such circumstances without adequate insurance protection .
19 The specific exclusions of liability referred to above should in theory be sufficient for nearly all purposes , since it is unrealistic of the seller to suppose ( and indeed contrary to s 3 of the UCTA ) that he can exclude all liability for his failure to perform in all circumstances .
20 ‘ In my view , allowing a child to die in these circumstances enhances the value of life as we would all live it , ’ he said .
21 Only measures of material social conditions , unemployment , income , housing conditions , density of population , can usefully serve to characterize the deprivation encountered by those forced to live in these circumstances .
22 While the exclusion does not specifically refer to damage to underground pipes or cables , the above exclusions would be deemed to refer to such circumstances and therefore cover would only operate for damage to underground pipes and services when these exclusions are deleted .
23 Thus there are two different intensional relations behind the two different versions of the second sentence in ( 21 ) , even though it is hard to think of any circumstances whatever ( other than metalinguistic ones ) in which they could have different truth values : ( 22 ) ( 23 ) ( We use as the symbol for assignment of equation . )
24 He had an unpleasant grating laugh and Stephen felt anyway that it was unseemly to laugh in these circumstances .
25 The Vicar of Kidderminster was under the influence of Sir Ralph Clare and refused to allow Richard Baxter to return under any circumstances , even though he offered to preach for nothing .
26 But the idea of a continuum of language-games employing the same word , whose contexts recall more or less distantly the analogous human original , seems more adequately to capture the spirit of what we need to say in such circumstances .
27 Madam , I 'm gon na ask you to say in those circumstances that we should give him the maximum discharge .
28 While the prosecution case is being presented the decision as to what course to take in these circumstances remains with counsel .
29 Now I think it 's , I think erm , the best question to ask in these circumstances is who benefits ?
30 ‘ I leave it to your experience and courage to profit by any circumstance you may think favourable , ’ he wrote , ‘ to go out and attack the squadrons and vessels blockading at Ushant and at Belle Île [ or Belle Isle or Belleisle , in Quiberon Bay ] .
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