Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] responsibility for " in BNC.

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1 He was about to divide up responsibility for checking Angela Morgan 's last recorded movements when Bruce Davidson knocked and put his head in .
2 And there is no Redundant Churches Fund to take on responsibility for outstanding churches that need to be preserved intact , complete with their furnishings .
3 ‘ This is an exciting and challenging time to take on responsibility for leading the firm , ’ Mr Freedman said .
4 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
5 John Routly , the Ffestiniog Railway chairman , recently told members of the Ffestiniog Railway Society : ‘ Discussions are taking place between us the Welsh Highland and Gwynedd County Council , the aim being to create a divisional board representing both the FR and WHR to take over responsibility for the Welsh Highland if the Minister of Transport makes the transfer .
6 ’ The provision of the men who were eventually to take over responsibility for the management of an enterprise was regarded as a matter of making sure that enough young men entered business at the foot of the ladder , ’ wrote Falk of the old days .
7 In the meantime , Gain is to take over responsibility for Sybase 's object-oriented front-end development projects .
8 Organised by WACC 's Pacific region and hosted by the Divine Word Institute , the workshop aims to equip local publishers to take over responsibility for the layout and design of their own publications .
9 Wanting to protect him , she took charge of the conversation then , turning it to subjects that could have no personal connotations for him , subjects like the efficient way that the British government had persuaded the Americans to take over responsibility for Greece and its defence against Communism , which they could no longer afford , and their less effective attempts to involve the Americans in the Palestine troubles .
10 The Conservative government ultimately appointed a Housing Commissioner to take over responsibility for the housing function but in 1974 the local authority ceased to exist as a result of local government reorganization .
11 In 1967 , the British Bliss Classification Association ( BCA ) was formed to take over responsibility for BC ; work began on its revision in 1969 under the editorial direction of Jack Mills .
12 She had never so much resented having been made to take over responsibility for the dog from old Adam , who had been used to walk him , than on that day .
13 It is against that background that the DES approach to the CNAA to take over responsibility for the DMS has to be seen .
14 Why would you want to take over responsibility for handling run-time errors ? when BBCBASIC(Z80) detects a run-time error , it reports it and RETURNS TO THE COMMAND MODE .
15 Unfortunately , there is sometimes resistance among staff on inpatient units to admitting patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric illness , but who for a brief period of time need to hand over responsibility for their well-being to the inpatient clinical team .
16 Among other things that it is the teacher who has all the good ideas , thereby making it difficult to hand over responsibility for decision making to the children .
17 The NHS was advised not to provide housing and social care but to hand over responsibilities for these community care developments to local authorities .
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