Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] better [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is , in fact , a diversion of resources away from the priorities which existed at the end of 1988 which were to develop the management accounting skills of the NHS : particularly to promote the better use of resources through the RMI .
2 Lots of people do n't like him , and some actively loathe him , but try to see the better side .
3 a change in the departmental structure creating giant super-ministries such as Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry to suck back decision-taking from the centre ; and the establishment of business-like organizations , such as the Property Services Agency and the Procurement Executive , to secure the better management of large blocks of Whitehall work ;
4 The publication of land registers for the greater part of the country represents a major opportunity to secure the better use of massive acreages of underused land .
5 This research therefore aims to isolate the better performing UK companies and to examine their marketing activities in order to develop a better understanding of best marketing practice .
6 Discretion may have tended to appear the better part of valour , and certainly better than defeat and its resultant loss of prestige .
7 The development was welcomed by exhibitors , who felt that stage adaptations would enable them to attract a better class of customer , but they were n't to know what they were letting themselves in for .
8 Twitch bites have always been a problem , and the best answers have been to scale down tackle and bait to encourage a better bite , or to hover over the rod and attempt to strike and hit the twitch bite .
9 But the emergence of a strong , secular republic in the south could do much to encourage a better neighbourliness in the north .
10 ‘ We are here , ’ de Craon began smoothly , ‘ to represent our master 's interests and to establish a better relationship between King Philip IV and the Scottish throne .
11 Look also at the tops of the trees to establish a better idea of the wind strength , and perhaps its direction too .
12 On March 3 King Hassan announced that at some time prior to the legislative elections which were scheduled for Oct. 9 , 1992 , constitutional changes to establish a better balance between legislative and executive bodies would be put to a referendum .
13 The Socialist government of Sr Felipe Gonzalez saw lower consumption forecasts due to lower levels of economic growth as offering the opportunity to establish a better energy balance .
14 The offensive appeared , initially , to have been intended as a tactical show of strength designed to secure a better bargaining position in peace talks , due to resume on July 15 but " indefinitely suspended " by the government [ see p. 38283 ] .
15 It should be seen as a five-year plan because , while Scotch has to be matured by law for a minimum three years , the time balance will help the company to secure a better malt price .
16 The aim of this study is to secure a better understanding of the association between major social , economic and demographic trends and the pattern of children in care .
17 We hope some day that we shall have won all the battles , and then can relax and develop more of the social side of the retired member 's association , but until then we enjoy the friendship and satisfaction of working together to secure a better deal for the elderly everywhere , and remember that , hopefully , you will all be pensioners one day .
18 Moreover , people in personal crisis are not very effective at making their needs felt in socially acceptable ways ; they do not organize themselves into consumer pressure groups to demand a better deal , not at least until they are recovered from their own crisis .
19 She believes that if patients and the purchasers who obtain medical care for them began to demand a better quality of front line service , then hospital managers would very quickly do something to improve the tasks undertaken by and supervision given to preregistration house officers .
20 TRANMERE won their long fight to provide a better standard of competition for their reserves today when they were admitted to the Pontins League .
21 Liberal improvers , progressive Conservatives and socialists found themselves sharing some common ground in this assumption that it was the duty of the State to provide a better life for its citizens and which found expression in support for comprehensive social welfare , a national health service and a more humane treatment of those in need .
22 If you do n't make a neat joint , you can fit a strip of hardwood cove moulding into the corner to provide a better finish .
23 BR itself came to the rescue and offered to provide an additional DMU , albeit a first-generation unit , to provide a better service .
24 The competition is to provide a better service for all — children , parents , school staff and community .
25 Furthermore , although charges are low , standards are going up as hosts recognise that it pays to provide a better service .
26 I believe stores must invest more in training to provide a better service to customers .
27 ’ Anyone does , in business , if it helps to provide a better service … ’
28 It continues themes from ‘ It 's our business ’ and shows many of the things you have asked to see , such as people in a variety of local offices , trying out different ways of working to provide a better service for our clients and better value for money .
29 I would argue at least that concentrating a group of students on one course should enable our scholarships staff both to tailor a more relevant course and to provide a better service to students .
30 Transport 2000 wanted to see a radical shake-up of the funding system for the railways in this country to provide a better service .
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