Example sentences of "[pos pn] call for a " in BNC.

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1 By electing Dr Gysi by an overwhelming majority , the SED rank-and-file made a radical break with the past , rallying behind the party and its call for a ‘ democratic renewal of socialism ’ .
2 By electing Dr Gysi by an overwhelming majority , the SED rank-and-file made a radical break with the past , rallying behind the party and its call for a ‘ democratic renewal of socialism ’ .
3 Gwent SSD has renewed its call for a purpose-built secure unit in Wales following violent incidents at the Coed Glas Assessment Centre which resulted in several young people appearing in court .
4 Recalling Resolutions 43/20 of Nov. 3 , 1988 , and 44/15 of Nov. 1 , 1989 [ see p. 37434 ] , the Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 45/12 on Nov. 7 , renewing its call for a comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan , and adding that a settlement would " provide an impetus for the resolution of other acute regional problems " .
5 Efforts to end the 12-year civil war prompted the government in May to renew its call for a ceasefire [ see p. 37453 ] ; in June it proposed a peace conference , after reports that the United States and the Soviet Union had failed to resolve differences over a transition process [ see p. 37669 ] .
6 First there was Sir David Calcutt 's report , with its call for a statutory complaints mechanism to curb press excesses .
7 TV campaigner Esther Rantzen was tonight announcing a political initiative to back her call for a nationwide witness protection programme .
8 President-elect Chamorro added her call for a ceasefire , stating in a broadcast on Feb. 28 that the causes of the war had disappeared , that there was thus no more reason to fight , and that Nicaraguans should return home .
9 THE Maastricht Treaty Bill was set to gain its second reading in the Lords early today after a marathon two day debate which saw Margaret Thatcher lead a head on clash with Mr Major over her call for a referendum .
10 Delegates backed her call for a ban on all phone sex lines which are advertised in newspapers and magazines .
11 The depth of this crisis persuaded members of the radical Inter-Regional Group of congressional deputies to abandon their call for a two-hour strike today , in demand of a revision of Article 6 of thr constitution which enshrines the party 's monopoly .
12 Their call for a reconsideration of Negro origins reinforces a claim late last year by two South African scientists that southern Africa not West Africa was the home of the first Negroes ( New Scientist , 13 January , p 90 ) .
13 Will the Foreign Secretary also help to provide a breathing space for the Russian Government , by supporting their call for a suspension of interest payments on the debt ?
14 They reiterated their call for a popular referendum on the country 's future political system .
15 The programmes were broadly similar in their call for a gradual transition to the market and a return to more state control .
16 The first televised discussion of homosexuality came in the 1954 BBC programme ‘ In The News ’ , when Lord Boothby discussed his call for a Royal Commission on the subject .
17 His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon .
18 Other commentaries went further in their criticism of the Brezhnev-Gromyko legacy , and the new foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze was one of those who was clearest in his call for a proper mechanism of democratic control so that the mistakes and violations of international law of these years did not recur .
19 At a dinner hosted by King Juan Carlos , King Hassan avoided mention of Morocco 's claim to the Spanish-administered North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla , but King Juan Carlos repeated his call for a referendum to be held in Western Sahara ( Spain 's former colony ) to allow the people to decide their own future .
20 During his speech he made no mention of Kuwait , although he repeated his call for a ceasefire , to be followed by US-Iraqi talks and inter-Arab dialogue .
21 In a speech to the Sejm on May 8 Walesa had renewed his call for a French-style constitution , with presidential powers to appoint and dismiss ministers .
22 Increasing concern over the effects of dredging sand and gravel from submerged offshore banks was reflected in our call for a full Environmental Assessment of an application for a licence to dredge part of the Helwick Bank off Gower .
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