Example sentences of "[pos pn] right [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I continually demanded my right to have hormone treatment and operations , to become a man physically as much as possible .
2 In a classical system , Todorov argues , several genres may claim their right to represent reality and each will have its own measure of verisimilitude to the extent that it conforms to its own internal rules .
3 Their right to withhold correspondence from the children in care must , however , be questioned .
4 The serious disadvantages to which the plaintiffs could have been put in that action were ( 1 ) the possible forfeiture of their right to do business within the state until the tax was paid .
5 German and French academics and museum curators are astonished , for example , to hear that their counterparts in Britain have had to defend their right to do research .
6 Women who have no objection to abortion in principle feel that it is entirely within their right to abort babies who have been diagnosed as being mentally handicapped ; certainly at present there are few legal restraints , but there are practical as well as moral problems involved .
7 When is the farce of the introduced terms of school leaving to be reviewed so that those young people on the borderline of the system can benefit from their right to leave school at 16 years of age ?
8 " The Moslem Brothers , who are more anxious than anyone for the stability of Egypt and the welfare of its citizens adhere to legal means in their preaching and the defence of their right to undertake activities to realise their goals , " he said .
9 To notify any person , whose involvement in the proceedings is likely to safeguard the child 's interests , of their right to seek party status .
10 Parents can abuse their right to expect obedience .
11 The important point here is that Aristotle 's women are not autonomous , not because they lack abilities or capacities but because they lack authority ; that is , their right to make decisions , to speak for themselves is not acknowledged .
12 In this case , the lawyers will expressly reserve their right to make changes to reflect any further information they may learn about the offeree group .
13 The better-off feel it is their right to make comments and recommendations about how the poor should lead or improve their lives .
14 As Sherman 's work had demonstrated — and she is joined by the legion of other women artists who also seek to assert their right to make use of their naked figures in their work — this in an obstinately difficult strategy to adopt where the female body is concerned .
15 The head teacher must also inform the parents ( or pupil , if aged 18-plus ) of their right to make representations about the exclusion to the LEA and/or governors .
16 Many farmers believe it is their right to have schools , hospitals and roads anyway , that such improvements are normal and unrelated to the way they make their living .
17 The United States responded by informally requesting her partners to use restraint in exercising their right to convert dollars into gold .
18 They point to how popular their Right to Buy legislation has proved almost 110,000 homes have been sold in the North-East and Cumbria since the laws were introduced in 1980 .
19 Many people have exercised their right to buy homes that they previously tenanted from local authorities .
20 Even as he was preparing to uproot millions of peasants and to destroy their homes , Ceauşescu praised their patriotism in terms ringing with irony : ‘ In the toughest times , their forefathers did not desert the land where they were born , but in brotherhood with it , with the mountains , fields , rivers and great woods , they unflinchingly remained in these parts , defending their being , their right to free existence . ’
21 This integrity was hardly preserved by stripping jurors of their right to free speech by a new criminal offence which itself carried no right to trial by jury .
22 In some ways this was a symbolic move , since it raised little revenue : existing exempt groups ( children , pensioners , the chronically ill and those on Income Support ) retained their right to free prescriptions .
23 However , the press should jealously protect its right to sit centre-stage in the interests of audibility and accuracy .
24 Parliament wished to insist on its right to control taxation and the armed forces , as well as its own convening and dissolution .
25 But it ought not to be able to choose either to rescind or complete and preserve its right to claim damages .
26 Depending on these factors a purchaser should consider whether to : ( a ) rely solely on its right to claim damages for breach of warranty ; or ( b ) make a retention of part of the purchase price to deal with identified liabilities ; or ( c ) reduce the price .
27 The purchaser should also include a statement that failure to exercise its right to rescind shall not be a waiver of its right to claim damages .
28 Although the term censorship is usually applied to instances of government interference in programme making , Brittan uses it much more broadly to include such structural and institutional constraints as the IBA 's power to withdraw franchises and its right to vet schedules and programmes .
29 But the ink was hardly dry when the ANC asserted its right to train fighters outside South Africa and to seek new recruits inside .
30 ‘ At issue here is the freedom of the patient as an individual to exercise her right to refuse treatment and accept the consequences of her own decision .
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