Example sentences of "[pos pn] need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A much more consistent theme , highly significant for this generation which bore the brunt of the late nineteenth-century attack on community provision for older people , emerges when a parent 's later years are mentioned : how their need for support was met .
2 Heads adopting a ‘ chief teacher ’ or ‘ team leader ’ role tended to be more visible and accessible to staff , especially in respect of their need for support and advice on everyday teaching problems : their physical base was the classroom as much as , or more than , the office .
3 Fertility counselling can help couples assess their need for treatment , and help them prepare for it
4 They should also be advised to warm up slowly before reaching peak activity , and to have a cool down period afterwards , to allow the muscles to gradually decrease their need for oxygen .
5 Less extreme , but also narcissistic in their need for reflection of the self , some people manage to find a member of the opposite sex who , despite difference of gender , is in physical terms remarkably , even strangely , like them .
6 Horses out riding can show their intolerance for the same daily routine and their need for excitement .
7 Mercifully the number of people who suffer to this extent is small and their need for help is usually recognized by those with whom they come into contact .
8 We exchanged a smile as they struggled to make their need for agua without gaz understood .
9 I think this idea that these magazines are read only by the young is totally wrong , er , elderly women go to the libraries and the Mills and Boon 's section is one of their favourite places , its got more stock there than any of the more serious fiction , so there must be something in it that is satisfying their need for romance perhaps .
10 * Horses will usually stand better for the farrier if they have been exercised beforehand , and have already satisfied their need for exercise .
11 From the cats ' point of view , they were simply fulfilling their need for exercise and their natural hunting instinct .
12 Finally to investigate the equity market with reference to the shares issued by specific companies or industries relative to their need for finance and the availability of alternative sources of finance .
13 In other areas geriatrics patients are defined by their need for rehabilitation and multi-disciplinary care .
14 As we have just seen , British Airways also suggested that their need for search was minimal , and that many other large , highly professional concerns felt the same .
15 Their need for legitimation may have benefited lawyer D 's other clients .
16 The group achieved its highest scores on the qualities crucial for top executives : they relish control and are fiercely independent ; they analyse people , but are caring ; they are relaxed , extrovert and confident , and their optimism matches their need for action .
17 e We have learned that our residents need for companionship and physical contact far exceeds their need for privacy .
18 Their need for food is easily met and the food we grow for ourselves on agricultural land is little more than a readily-available bonus .
19 Their behaviour is a very flexible result of the interaction between that knowledge and their needs , such as their need for food .
20 While we do not wish to get involved with harmonization at this point , it is important to point out that the above three kinds of phrases will probably have harmonic implications which contribute to their need for continuity , temporary repose , or complete finality .
21 When they grow up , they may feel uncomfortable with their need for power and unsure how to exercise it .
22 As more and more nations have become industrialised , their need for energy to run machines and cars , and to heat homes has increased .
23 It would be much more constructive for a consortium of donors to sit down with governments and review their need for aid finance over , say , the next three-year period .
24 Their need for information is currently met in the following ways :
25 Her own children sometimes suffered from their faults being castigated in their mother 's books , for , though tender towards young children and deeply understanding of their need for security , she could be severe towards social failings , such as discontent and ill temper in their elder siblings .
26 Closely connected to a horse 's need for sensory stimulation is its need for exercise .
27 A number of these things that I have already raised this morning are perhaps are , er primary phase issues rather than secondary but we must remember that the pressures on secondary schools continue as in the primary phase and finally another concern which you are all very well aware of and which particularly if you 're governors you will have drawn to your attention constantly is erm the continuing concern about our educational building stock both in terms of its adequacy as regards the size and the capacity of the accommodation at , where some schools are concerned its need for repair and maintenance work and its need for adaptation to meet the new demands of the curriculum .
28 J. W. ( later Sir James ) Black , who was at that time an academic pharmacologist in Glasgow , had the idea that blocking the action of adrenaline on the heart might reduce its need for oxygen and so be beneficial in angina pectoris ( a condition in which pain arises because the oxygen supply to heart muscle is insufficient ) .
29 As the threat of war increased , so Oliphant 's thoughts of building a 60-inch cyclotron for nuclear physics diminished and the involvement with government and its need for microwave sources became paramount .
30 The art of our time is expansive : its need for space and light is particular and reflects the conditions in which it is produced .
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