Example sentences of "[vb infin] [Wh det] the problem " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you know what the problem is really , Andy ? ’ she asked , making her voice as sweet and low as she could .
2 the man and a wife you 'd never know what the problem was because the relationships that will be private to them .
3 The context of this calm acquiescence is a rise in what I will call semi-literacy , which relies on the visual image and hardly at all on the printed word except as a medium of advertising , and genuinely can not see what the problem is .
4 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
5 ‘ You can see what the problem is ’ , G. says .
6 I still could n't see what the problem was but the whole hallway area had gone suspiciously quiet .
7 and yes , well , I do n't see what the problem is , I mean you become properly yourself in that case , so what 's the problem ?
8 Erm , at least I spotted it here , and I can rea realize what the problem is .
9 These PMR systems were even less secure than land lines so he did not ask what the problem was .
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