Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] a considerable " in BNC.

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1 When the Ottoman empire declared war on a foreign state its unfortunate representative in Constantinople was very often immediately thrown into the Seven Towers prison there , where he might stay for a considerable time .
2 In Romania the legacy of the late President Ceausescu 's National Stalinism' will persist for a considerable time and the directions of change can not easily be predicted .
3 That will act as a considerable encouragment to greater parental responsibility .
4 Elite theorists argue more generally than pluralists that where elites can not act with a considerable degree of autonomy in deeply divided societies , centrifugal tendencies are much more likely than centripetal ones ( Nordlinger , 1972 ) .
5 State agencies do act with a considerable degree of autonomy , and take limited account of their interaction with other branches of the government .
6 It does , however , result in a considerable degree of carbohydrate spilling into the colon that stimulates bacterial fermentation causing flatulence and occasionally diarrhoea .
7 The other point in this regard is that a requirement for the tenant to obtain the landlord 's consent prior to making an application for planning permission could result in a considerable delay in the application being made in circumstances where the tenant requires the planning permission rather urgently , eg in connection with its fascia or signage , hence the amendment suggested below .
8 The Authority recognized that classroom practice would not improve without a considerable investment in INSET and in professional support at both LEA and school level .
9 The plant is more at home in marshy conditions than in the aquarium , where it will grow to a considerable height .
10 Innovation may occur after a considerable time interval from invention .
11 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
12 The war was unlikely to become much more than a dispute over frontier posts , in which success would depend to a considerable extent on winning the support of the Indians who lived in the wide area between the colonies .
13 He simply hopes they will emerge of their own accord , and this may not happen for a considerable time .
14 So I feel a terrific relief and release that in the latter part of my business life I 've been really able to make things happen at a considerable speed .
15 Luckily , the Oase pump is ‘ pokey ’ and can cope with a considerable head without appreciable loss of flow rate .
16 It may lead to a considerable degree of social deprivation and a miserable existence for the families involved .
17 It can come as a considerable shock when reality is forced upon them and their life on return is not as wonderful as they had anticipated .
18 The longer the lapse of time the less your chance of success , but ferrets can live for a considerable period within a burrow system — as much as three weeks .
19 not only which er erm one of the big strategies of ours is using er and we think we can get into a considerable number of homes with leaflet drops etcetera erm er by using that er arrow .
20 Maintaining this configuration requires that the state apparatus should operate with a considerable degree of autonomy from the dominant class fraction , and that the leaders who assemble and co-ordinate the ruling ‘ power bloc ’ should appear on the political stage as independent actors .
21 Despite concessions to the Marxist wing of the party — including a reduction in the size of the SDF and a characterization of the 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty as a " temporary " arrangement — the policy , if adopted by the party as a whole , would amount to a considerable revision of the unilateralist defence programme which the SDPJ had maintained since 1955 .
22 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
23 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : The Hon. Gentleman was not a member of the Standing Committee , so he may be unaware that the disposal programme will start in the autumn and will continue for a considerable time .
24 He suggested that the air campaign would continue for a considerable period before a ground attack would be considered .
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