Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] enough [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
2 ‘ Ca n't you trust me enough to keep it between just the two of us ? ’
3 Does she trust you enough to let you be present though ? ’
4 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
5 Do we trust him enough to rely on him utterly ?
6 Kirov had opened himself up so that the younger man would trust him enough to confide his deepest thoughts .
7 Only on his way home at lunchtime did he at last rouse himself enough to make a detour , and stop by at his brother 's apartment and invite Franco to come home with him for lunch .
8 He thinks it 's because of the sausages that people do n't like him enough to ask him to tea ; but it is n't really .
9 Seals have almost spherical lenses and can not flatten them enough to see far through the air .
10 Who could hate her enough to do such a thing ?
11 ‘ It will tell them enough to alert them if they 're working for the British Government . ’
12 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
13 Do you love me enough to marry me ? ’
14 Yes , eventually I did put it down to your job , worried about Steve being so long away and anxious to tie up the contract , but there was a worse fear — that you just did n't love me enough to want to stay with me . ’
15 Knowing that Adam always liked to keep his options open , Miranda was forced to the lonely conclusion that he did n't love her enough to commit himself to her for life .
16 My mason shall provide you with materials , and if you choose to work under him and learn from him , he shall find you enough to do .
17 Nobody there , but he could n't be more than a few yards away and Forester 's fingers would n't obey him enough to get the buckles properly secured .
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