Example sentences of "[to-vb] representatives [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Soon after his appointment he went to the north to meet representatives of the non-Burman races , and in effect asked them to state their own terms for participation in a Union of Burma .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he next expects to meet representatives of the Scottish fishing industry to discuss the conservation of fishing stocks .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment when he next plans to meet representatives of the small firms sector to discuss the problem of small businesses .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next expects to meet representatives of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to discuss the effects of the recession on the motor industry .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next intends to meet representatives of the European Commission to discuss regional policy .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next intends to meet representatives of the European Commission to discuss regional policy and the implications for the manufacturing sector of industry .
7 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food when he next expects to meet representatives of the bloodstock breeding industry to discuss the state of this sector .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next plans to meet representatives of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce to discuss industrial policy .
9 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he next expects to meet representatives of the CBI to discuss manufacturing investment .
10 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food when he next expects to meet representatives of the poultry industry to discuss the state of the sector .
11 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next plans to meet representatives of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce to discuss industrial policy .
12 I next plan to meet representatives of the northern region CBI later this month to discuss a range of business matters .
13 I have no plans to meet representatives of the convention .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he next plans to meet representatives of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce to discuss industrial policy .
15 The following day she is to meet representatives of the Irish community at London 's Camden Centre .
16 He said he was ‘ disgusted ’ that Mr Clarke had refused to meet representatives of the ambulance workers .
17 Eric Schumacher , newly appointed as TRANSAID director , has visited Lesotho and Mozambique and thence to South Africa to meet representatives of the Road Transport Federation , with whom S.C.F. are now dealing to locate possible resources to assist in the present emergency .
18 The American proposals would embrace holding of elections in north and south Korea through multi-party ballot based on universal suffrage ; each legislature established in consequence would select representatives to meet representatives from the other to form a provisional government for a united Korea ; the provisional government would meet representatives of the four powers to consider on a basis of equality the assistance required by Korea ; the provisional government and the powers would agree on a date by which occupation forces would be withdrawn .
19 If you have questions about the Off-Site Emergency Plan , or are unclear about what is involved , we shall be holding a public meeting for you to meet representatives from the Emergency Services , the Health Authority , the District and County Councils and CIBA-GEIGY Plastics .
20 In May the efforts of V. N. Kokovtsov , the Minister of Finance , to persuade representatives of the industrialists to agree to improve the conditions of labour collapsed ignominiously .
21 Some of these livings they were certainly granted by the influence of English churchmen and the king , eager to retain representatives at the Curia , but the majority seem to have been acquired through papal provision : the pope was remunerating his servants out of the English church 's endowments , much to the growing fury of English patrons and politicians .
22 When the United Kingdom had entered the EEC , it had asked the major parties to nominate representatives to the Parliament .
23 The villagers naturally resisted : in December 1638 thirteen of them were each fined 40s. for failing to send representatives to the swanimotes , and men appointed by thirteen others were amerced for non-attendance .
24 The Communist Party had written to Divisional Councils and branches of the ILP inviting them to send representatives to the forthcoming Seventh World Congress of the Communist International .
25 Meanwhile , Lancashire County Council announced it was to send representatives to the Netherlands in a bid to rescue the Leyland truck plant and the Chorley parts warehouse , where together more than 900 jobs were lost on Friday .
26 The Library 's Whitley Council meets regularly to allow representatives of the trade unions to discuss with management matters of common concern .
27 They would also like to invite representatives from the various churches and other organisations in Scorton to be present .
28 This is an election to return representatives to the Parliament of the United Kingdom .
29 Over the years the body of Electors grew from the original Elector Counts to include representatives of the cults of Sigmar and Ulric .
30 On Oct. 26 , however , at a regional summit in Gbadolite ( Zaïre ) , the presidents of Rwanda , Burundi , Uganda and Zaïre agreed on the creation of a joint monitoring group , to include representatives of the RPF , to supervise a renewed ceasefire .
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