Example sentences of "[to-vb] support to the " in BNC.

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1 At Straiton , however , a combination of the grout injection method and the placing of a heavy-duty geotextile membrane at rockhead level was used to provide support to the road embankment over the limestone and Pentland oil shale workings .
2 It is a responsibility of the Centre to provide support to the academic economist developing programs for new techniques and to make appropriate programs commercially available outside the academic environment .
3 Issued to 144 Squadron ( becoming ‘ PL-K ’ ) at Leuchars , the unit trained-up and ferried out to Vaenga I in the USSR to give support to the convoy lifeline around the top of Norway .
4 For public health doctors to withdraw from or refuse to give support to the task at this critical moment would greatly endanger the specialty , as people without the necessary combination of medical and public health skills would attempt the job .
5 So you 're going to fold this around the elbow to give support to the arm and in this one you 're gon na fold first of all forward and then back , can you see that little neat envelope ?
6 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
7 We continue to give support to the United Nations Secretary-General 's efforts to promote a comprehensive , just and lasting settlement .
8 The Community Support Anti-waste Scheme ( CSAWS ) was set up in 1976 with the following aims : to promote the recycling of materials ; to give support to the government 's anti-waste programme ; to provide employment for a cross section of the community ; and to stimulate industrial , community and charitable organisations to participate in the collection and recycling of waste materials .
9 This being found somewhat lukewarm , somewhat unsatisfying and unsatisfactory , the formulation was amended and became : that Bert and Jasper were empowered by those present to offer support to the Irish revolutionaries , and ask to be given concrete tasks .
10 He alienated Henry one last time by seeming to offer support to the young king during the rebellion of 1173 .
11 Jordanian requests for emergency international compensation payments were initially frustrated by King Hussein 's reluctance to offer support to the United States-led anti-Iraqi coalition .
12 In these circumstances it was the business of responsible churchmen to lend support to the monarch in every way they could .
13 The Labour Party , after some initial ambivalence , had moved by the end of August to outright support of the war effort , accepting an electoral truce and joining with other parties to lend support to the recruiting drive .
14 The functions of the tentorium are ( 1 ) to afford a basis for the attachment of many of the cephalic muscles and , at the same time , to give rigidity to the head ; ( 2 ) to lend support to the brain and fore intestine ; ( 3 ) to strengthen the points of articulation of certain of the mouthparts .
15 Social democratic policies of state intervention and Ostpolitik were now in favour with the electorate , especially among young people and , after the liberal reforms at the Second Vatican Council , even Roman Catholic voters were prepared to lend support to the SPD .
16 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
17 The experiences of some of the Second World ( communist ) countries , those who had escaped from the grip of global capitalism , particularly the Soviet Union and then China , seemed to lend support to the argument .
18 Though his eyes are mainly on the lucrative US Seniors Tour , Jacklin also plans to lend support to the more recently established European Seniors circuit .
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