Example sentences of "[to-vb] himself the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sheffield United 's Dave Bassett is the latest to find himself the subject of a police inquiry after being reported by the gentle , clean-mouthed souls who inhabit Chelsea 's stands for swearing .
2 His sojourn in the car was simply to assure himself the messenger boy responded to the given description and had not been followed .
3 Icke was the party 's national spokesman 17 months ago when he donned a turquoise tracksuit to announce himself the son of God on a mission to save the world .
4 I could n't see him throwing it away , but I did n't want him to give himself the chance .
5 It was heavy , being covered by a thick layer of turf , and as soon as he could he checked over his shoulder to satisfy himself the area was entirely clear , before climbing stiffly all the way out and dropping the trapdoor shut again .
6 As his hand came to her arm she lashed out at him and he caught her close to save himself the trouble of subduing her in any other way .
7 So in relation to section 13(1) of the Acts of 1974 and 1976 , for a judge ( who is always dealing with an individual case ) to pose himself the question : ‘ Can Parliament really have intended that the acts that were done in this particular case should have the benefit of the immunity ? ’ is to risk straying beyond his constitutional role as interpreter of the enacted law and assuming a power to decide at his own discretion whether or not to apply the general law to a particular case .
8 In Halton , where lord Stanley was receiver , the duke never received his fee as steward , and Stanley continued to pay himself the fee as both constable and steward on the authority of the 1461 letters patent .
9 In Halton , where lord Stanley was receiver , the duke never received his fee as steward , and Stanley continued to pay himself the fee as both constable and steward on the authority of the 1461 letters patent .
10 It flattered his vanity to think himself in love with me ; it also gave him , I believe , some unadmitted pleasure constantly to long for my flesh and yet always to forbid himself the attaining of it : to deny himself was just as exciting as to indulge himself .
11 Clinton was expected to declare himself the winner at 4am British time , even before some polls on the west coast closed .
12 Before he succeeded Balfour then , Law was not associated with any of the features that were to characterize his party leadership ; his contribution was to use the leadership in the service of all of these causes , to make himself the spokesman for the most spirited sections of the party .
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