Example sentences of "[to-vb] members of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The course is designed to provide members of the professions allied to medicine with the scientific skills , knowledge and their appliction to relevant clinical practice in their field in order to be better able to evaluate their effectiveness of their contributions to health care services .
2 The Governor of Hong Kong , Sir David Wilson , arrives in Washington on Saturday for a week-long visit , to meet members of the administration and congressional leaders .
3 They were to meet members of the Board of Trade at six o'clock and were scheduled to be available for public questioning at a meeting on the mezzanine floor of the hotel at seven .
4 They were thrilled to meet members of the Kennedy family , Mary Pickford , Charlie Chaplin .
5 In early January the Prime Minister and the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary ( Douglas Hurd ) had each visited the Gulf and surrounding areas : Major on Jan. 6-9 to meet members of the British armed forces and to hold discussions with the Amir of Kuwait , King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Mubarak , and Hurd on Jan. 10-14 for talks in Bahrain , Qatar , the United Arab Emirates , Jordan and Turkey .
6 Young people were normally allowed many opportunities to meet members of the opposite sex , and though examples can be quoted of disinheritance because parental wishes had not been met , the prime consideration in choosing a wedding partner was undoubtedly mutual love .
7 Well that takes us on nicely to more interviews , this time I 'm coming down to meet members of the audience .
8 It 's an opportunity for the passengers to meet members of the crew .
9 THE Queen made a morale-boosting visit to Northern Ireland yesterday to meet members of the security forces and public .
10 I have explained some of the ways of getting to know members of the media and why it is important to have relationships with them within that framework , you must build a portfolio of individual contacts in the media world with whom you liaise , send material and can give special items and ideas from time to time .
11 As to abuse of the scheme by solicitors , the research study by Baldwin and Hill found that officials in area legal aid offices ‘ tended to view members of the legal profession with considerable suspicion , ’ but more on the basis that solicitors might make full or excessive use of the scheme than that there was malpractice or dishonesty .
12 It will be necessary to confirm ( initially by phone , followed up by letter ) with each venue that the documents can be lodged there , during the relevant period , and that they will be prepared to oversee members of the public viewing documents .
13 The Honorat regime had threatened to arrest members of the legislature if they tried to ratify the February 1992 US-sponsored Washington accord between the legislature and President Aristide , providing for the latter 's eventual return to power [ see pp. 38758 ; 38808 ] .
14 But 8m voters were eligible to choose members of the national assembly , a parliamentary body whose main job is to rubber-stamp decisions handed down by the ten-man Revolutionary Command Council through which Mr Hussein governs .
15 The accommodation differed in , in one respect and that , that was that in the flat we were on one floor , we had one bedroom , we moved into a house with two toilets separate bathroom and three bedrooms , which enabled us to spread our furniture around , enabled us to have visitors to receive members of the family .
16 The objectives are to help members of the public to find their way through this information store and to transmit their orders for particular journeys or holidays to the providers of those services .
17 Much has changed since 1989 when the first annual Art Show was organised to help members of the prestigious Art Dealers ' Association of America cash in on a booming art market .
18 But he also pointed out that if this information could be included in the published part of the report , it would do much to reassure members of the public who feel uneasy about interception .
19 It was clearly a short-term appointment , arguably calculated to reassure members of the renamed Overseas Civil Service that , at a time when morale might falter as career opportunities shrank with the imminence of independence , at least one of them and not ‘ a Whitehall warrior ’ was at the helm .
20 Finally we would like to reassure members of the sporting public that injuries treated in NHS hospitals will be given effective treatments just as footballers received in hospital departments Jacqui Moore MCSP , Hiliary Adams MCSP , A Wallace , MCSP BSc Hon.
21 In many countries the stated role of the state archive is to record the history of the state , and to give members of the public access to information necessary for them to undertake their responsibilities , duties and rights as citizens .
22 The European Commission on Human Rights was of the view that seeking to persuade members of the armed forces to disobey military orders which rendered a particular person liable to prosecution for ‘ incitement to disaffection ’ properly justified a prosecution under Article 10 , paragraph 2 of the Convention .
23 I attach a note which I hope you will find useful and which could be distributed to appropriate members of the Trust .
24 Failure to convict members of the armed forces involved in the murders of six Jesuits , their housekeeper and her daughter in November 1989 [ see pp.37037-38 ; 37181 ] prompted the US Congress to freeze military aid in October 1990 .
25 Poverty is defined as an income insufficient to keep members of the family in a state of physical well-being .
26 He added that the trustees would continue to keep members of the plan informed of any developments .
27 Really to protect members of the management team who might have made a decision .
28 At least seven Palermo magistrates announced their resignations on July 21 in protest at the state 's inability to protect members of the judiciary .
29 Because after you listen to the evidence will be that these are professional officers doing a very difficult job and members of the public , members of the jury create very dated job they have the one objective I 've told you about to protect members of the public from further harm from what they thought was an armed criminal on the run .
30 ‘ We have to take precautions to protect members of the public and we err on the side of caution .
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