Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adv] once " in BNC.

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1 Speedier technological change will increase the need for most people to retrain at least once during their working life , which should mean more jobs for teachers of all sorts .
2 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
3 Suppose we get 204 , giving herd B ; the second of the systematic sample will be 204 + 293 = 497 which gives herd F. By this means we always obtain two different primaries unless one of the primaries accounts for more than half the secondaries , in which case that primary has to appear at least once .
4 The world 's dominant religions require members to worship at least once a week and to attend a major festival every three months .
5 Whereas the inexperienced glider pilot needs to fly at least once a month to be safe , more experienced pilots can go much longer without always becoming badly out of practice .
6 The commissions , which were to recommence work before Jan. 14 , were instructed to report at least once a month to the heads of state who were scheduled to meet again in Rwanda on March 14-15 .
7 It will also need clipping or pruning to shape at least once a year , especially in the case of formal hedges .
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