Example sentences of "[to-vb] and talk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would therefore urge people to try and talk about these kinds of things before the situation arises because this can avoid so much misery later on .
2 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
3 Got to try and talk without the T V on .
4 Whether he guessed what I was likely to say I do n't know , but he spoke with a sudden rush as if to prevent me from saying something that we would both have to accept and talk about .
5 He used to come and talk with the crew .
6 She even invites AIDS sufferers to come and talk to them .
7 ‘ If you 'll just wait a minute , I 'll ask someone to come and talk to you . ’
8 Throughout the dispute my technique was to go through the front door — I refused to be smuggled in — and then ask for a deputation of the demonstrators to come and talk to me .
9 Companies will often provide staff to come and talk to children , bring samples of their company 's products and arrange accompanied visits to their premises .
10 Does n't anyone want to come and talk to me ?
11 The parents had n't been offered any sort of advice or counselling ; they had all received a letter from Paul Lee inviting them to come and talk to his department , but no one had offered them any information about their children ; if they wanted that they had to ring up the department and ask for it .
12 The schoolmistress did not live in the School House , which was occupied by an old grannie , who every day called me to come and talk to her when she was out in her small garden , or in the cottage when the weather was less promising .
13 Erm , I understand that erm somebody from the unit has had talked to your group before , but it 's just as well to come and talk to you again because we 've changed the Local Government Unit , not the same erm , unit that it was when we were first introduced , we 've grown basically .
14 Once or twice a year he 'll go even further and invite a business writer to come and talk to his people .
15 Only Ember cared enough to come and talk to her ; from what he told her of the others , both the towered and the plain , she was glad .
16 And do n't forget — I 'd like to come and talk to you soon . ’
17 Ah , thank you very much , she said we 're very appre very much appreciate the fact that you 've given up your time to come and talk to our members you see we ca n't afford to pay for really good speakers
18 Er Prof and , used to come and talk to the Guilds and things , er the men 's meeting .
19 " Miss Lucchesi is having someone to come and talk to us .
20 ‘ I 'm sorry to disturb you , but could you perhaps spare a little time to come and talk to the Chief Superintendent ? ’
21 He wants to come and talk to your Cabinet . ’
22 And reluctantly MacArthur agreed to come and talk to the president .
23 Sister persuaded her to come and talk to her as soon as she was able .
24 You want to come and talk to your daddy ?
25 I ca n't hear you love , you 'll have to come and talk to me in here .
26 I want to come and talk to you . ’
27 We want to come and talk to you about — whatever it might be .
28 It starts on Wednesday , and , you know , I 'm taking time off from searching for props at the last minute and dress rehearsing to come and talk to you .
29 A representative from the College of Arms had kindly agreed to come and talk about heraldry .
30 To come and talk about something she knew nothing about , all of her questions were exceptionally well thought through .
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